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Mounds View City Council October 13, 1986 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eleven <br />Councilmember Haake stated she feels JLN is a good <br />development, but she has been concerned about having <br />a ring -road from the very beginning, and she <br />reviewed sections of the Comp Plan which refer to <br />the ring -road concept, including the Development <br />Framework Commercial goals and policies, goal 2, <br />policy G and J, Industrial goals and policies, goal <br />2F, Residential goals and policies, goal 2, <br />Commercial uses, Transportation goals and policies, <br />goal 8, E and F, Streets and Parking, Collector <br />Streets, and Ring Roads. She stated she would get <br />the information together for the Council that she <br />was referring to. She also added that she feels <br />the intent all along was to have a ring -road <br />system in that area. <br />Councilmember Haake stated she would like more time <br />and discussion on the road alignment and concerns <br />the residents have. She added she likes what the <br />development will be, and she agrees the property <br />owner has the right to develop his land as best he <br />cam, but they must remember the residents and their <br />concerns. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated there is no mandate in <br />the Comp Plan, with the way it is worded, and they <br />need to balance the whole thing out. She stated <br />she feels JLN has done a good job, and she would <br />also like more time to work with the residents and <br />JLN further. She stated she feels the concept is <br />alright, except for the access onto County Road H2. <br />Director Thatcher reported the Planning Commission <br />has not addressed the concept plan, as they did not <br />have a quorum earlier in the month, but the three <br />Commissioners who were present felt it was a good <br />plan, and they do want to discuss the parking again. <br />Attorney Meyers reminded the Council the Planning <br />Commission is an advisory commission only, except <br />for variances. <br />Mayor Like stated that in visiting with the residents <br />of the area last Saturday, he was told by many that <br />stop signs on Quincy would alleviate their concerns. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she gets the impression <br />+here is mistrust on the part of the residents. <br />Councilmember Quick stated there is an area of the <br />City that has a zing-road, in Silver Lake Woods, <br />and the same complaints and concerns were expressed <br />by the citizens then, and they are fears of the <br />unknown. He stated he feels stop signs, side walks <br />and so forth will address these problems. He added <br />that if the area was developed as R1, R2 or R3, they <br />10. Consideration <br />of Resolution <br />No. 2109 <br />