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Mounds View City Council July 13, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />zoning and environmental aspects and have done everything they <br />can to meet the desires of the City. <br />"o unc i lmember Hankner replied that just :,ecause iVInUOT nas <br />authorized a driveway out onto Highway 10 does not mean that it <br />is a wise decision, and she does not agree with all the actions <br />they have taken in the past. She also pointed out that no repre- <br />sentative from Amoco talked to her about the development nor the <br />traffic concerns she raised weeks ago. <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she has been concerned <br />with the traffic problems from the very beginning, and <br />she does not want to be put in the position of having <br />to explain why a gas station was allowed there, after <br />an accident occurs at that intersection. <br />Councilmember Quick stated he had voted against allowing <br />Kinder Care in that location when he was on the Planning <br />Commission and he feels there is too much traffic at <br />that intersection now, and does not feel that is a good <br />location for that type of business. <br />Attorney Meyers clarified the requirements of the Code <br />for granting a Conditional Use Permit, stating that it <br />cannot be related to an economic argument. He stated <br />the Courts have ruled that denying a conditional use <br />permit when the zoning is proper would be arbitrary and <br />}apricious. He also reminded the Council a 4/5 vote <br />s uould be required to grant a Conditional Use Permit. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner /Blanchard to deny a Conditional <br />Use Permit to Amoco Oil Co., 2800 Highway 10. <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Councilmember <br />Mayor Linke <br />Hankner aye <br />Blanchard aye <br />Wuori aye <br />Quick aye <br />nay <br />Mayor Linke stated he could not support the motion, <br />and he feels the studies done have shown it would <br />fit into the area. <br />The developer of the property, who did not identify <br />himself, stated that he had originally proposed to <br />build a Crown Auto store on the site, but was told <br />there was not enough parking spaces, and then came <br />up with an alternate plan, and was again told there <br />was not enough room for parking. He expressed his <br />frustration in trying to work with the City and <br />pointed out that whatever development takes place <br />there will increase the traffic at that intersection. <br />added he is very upset and gets the feeling from <br />-ne City that he cannot develop that piece of <br />property. <br />;Mayor Linke stated the property can be developed, <br />Motion Carried <br />