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CONSENT AGENDA <br />AUGUST 10, 1987 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite <br />handling of routine and miscellaneous official business of <br />the City Council. The entire agenda may be adopted by the <br />Council in one motion. The motion for adoption is non <br />debatable and must receive unanimous approval. By request <br />of any individual Councilmember, an item can be removed from <br />the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda for <br />debate. <br />ITEM A. Set Public Hearing for 7:05 p.m., August 24, <br />1987 to Consider Adequacy of Mounds View <br />Business Park Environmental Impact Statement <br />ITEM R. Reschedule September 7, 1987 Council Meeting to <br />September 8, 1987 <br />TTEM C. Set Public Hearing for 7:10 p.m., August 24, <br />1987 to Consider 1987 r,ong Term Financial Plan <br />ITEM D. Approve $1,000 Per Year Increase in Building <br />Official Salary to $28,000 Per Year <br />ITEM R. Set Public hearing for 7:15 p.m., August 24, <br />1987 to Consider Conditional Use Permit for <br />Oversized Accessory Building, Willard and <br />Marvis ]laro, 7545 Pleasant: View Drive <br />ITEM F. Approve Rid Documents and Specifications for <br />Dump Trunk With Options and Authorize Rid <br />Opening for Friday Augnsl 28, 1987, 10:00 a.m. <br />Specifications will be available for your <br />review over the weekend posted on the wall near <br />your Council boxes. Notices will be published <br />on 8 -12 -87 in the New Brighton Bulletin. <br />ITEM G. Set Public_ Hearing for 7:20 p.m., August 24, <br />1987 to. Consider Preliminary Plat for <br />Greenfield Estates <br />TTEM 11. Adn1,1_ PErolul ion No. 22.23 Approving ins!: and <br />Correct Claims Against City Funds <br />