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Mounds View City Council August 24, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Fifteen <br />411 Councilmember Hankner stated the residents can <br />petition for anything, but the Council must make <br />their decisions and weigh all factors and do what <br />they feel is right. <br />Mayor Linke stated the Council had set up the process <br />of holding public hearings for liquor license renewals <br />in order to hear any concerns the citizens have. <br />Ron Michna, 5287 Edgewood Drive, stated Mr. Povlitzki <br />had owned the property at one time and sold it to <br />Mr. Conroy, and he now has it back and has brought in <br />Mr. Waste to manage it. He stated he would like the <br />problems nipped in the bud now. He pointed out the <br />City has spent thousands of dollars on ti v pipeline <br />issue because two people lost their lives, and he asked <br />if the City would do the same if two people were killed <br />in a car accident because of a drunk driver from this <br />establishment. Mr. Michna stated Mr. Povlitzki has <br />not tried to do anything different than a liquor <br />operation. He also stated he has a problem with the <br />way the Police Department handles the situation, in <br />that they observe what is going on but will not do <br />anything unless a citizen is willing to sign a complaint. <br />Sharon White, 5241 Greenfield, asked what would be <br />lapplaced along Greenfield to prevent cars from driving <br />over the boulevard, and she asked if a left turn only <br />onto Greenfield could be possible. <br />Mr. Povlitzki stated there are car stops along the <br />boulevard now that stop the cars from driving out. <br />Jeff Moe, 5284 Greenfield, stated he is the manager of <br />the apartment complex and has been for the past five <br />years, and they have had problems with the patrons of <br />the bar parking in the apartment complex lot. <br />Mr. Povlitzki replied the apartment residents also park <br />in his parking lot. <br />Paul Fedor, 2288 Knoll Drive, stated he feels <br />residents are trying to crucify Mr. Povlitzki <br />time, before he has even had a chance to turn <br />in the door. He added he feels the residents <br />owe Mr. Povlitzki a chance. <br />the <br />ahead of <br />the key <br />and Council <br />David Carlstrom, 5297 Edgewood Drive, stated Mr. Povlitzki <br />had been in there for three years and there had been <br />almost as many problems with his operation as with <br />Muldoon's, and the same problems occurred with Mr. Povlitzki <br />then. He added he would be willing to sign complaints, and <br />he pointed out in the past some neighbors have been afraid <br />of signing complaints because of fear of reprisals. He <br />stated he is against issuance of the liquor license. <br />