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Mounds View City Council August 24, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />Mayor Linke asked Mr. Ayaz if he knew of any qualified <br />$p professionals who could look at this project for them. <br />'Mr. Ayaz replied that he did and would provide the <br />names to the Council. <br />Councilmember Hankner suggested checking out the <br />qualifications of the consultants and perhaps looking <br />into the consultants Mr. Ayaz knows. <br />Kay Weseman, 7807 Bona Road, stated she has major <br />concerns with the development and made a lengthy <br />statement against development of the property. She <br />questioned whether the developer had met the require- <br />ments for altering a wetland, and stated she does not <br />feel an examination of the land was done at the right <br />time, and she also stated the City should look into <br />the question of eminent domain. She also questioned <br />whether the study done was of a hundred year storm. <br />Mr. Thatcher replied it was and he reviewed the data <br />compiled. <br />Dr. Blomquist reviewed how the observations were made <br />and the fact that they were done in July and August <br />of 1986, for 5 days total. <br />Jim Sandidge, 7817 Bona Road, stated he would like <br />the consultants to provide a financial guarantee, and <br />asked the Council to consider an irrevocable letter of <br />credit. He stated he presently has a water problem <br />any time there is a heavy rain, and he felt this <br />development would add to his problems. <br />Mayor Linke stated the development agreement would <br />cover the concerns expressed. <br />Mr. Sandidge asked if unusual weather conditions been <br />taken into consideration in the studies that have been <br />done this past year. <br />Mr. Senden explained the data has been compiled over the <br />past two years, with Braun Engineering doing the testing <br />last year and the Corp of Engineers doing the testing <br />this year. <br />Doug Weseman, 7807 Bona Road, stated he would like the <br />environmental concerns expressed documented by the <br />developer. <br />Mr. Senden replied that many of the items that have been <br />brought up are addressed in the City's ordinances. <br />Mr. Weseman read a portion of a statement from the DNR <br />regarding encroachment of the wetlands and possible <br />consequences. <br />