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CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />CITY OF MOUNDS VIEW <br />SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 <br />7:00 P.M. <br />A G E N D A <br />1. Call to Order <br />2. Pledge of Allegiance <br />3. Roll Call Wuori, Quick, Hankner, Blanchard, Linke <br />4. Approval of Minutes: September 14, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting <br />(Received in 9 -21 -87 Packet) <br />5. Public Hearings 7:05 P.M.- 1988 General Fund, Water <br />and Sewer Budgets <br />7:15 P.M.- Levying of Delinquent <br />Utility Accounts <br />6. Residents Requests and Comments From The Floor <br />CITIZENS: BEFORE SPEAKING PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL NAME <br />AND ADDRESS FOR THE MINUTES <br />7. Approval of Consent Agenda <br />ITEM A. Authorize Purchase .f One Base Station, Four <br />Mobile Radios and Antenna from Communications <br />Center at a Cost of $3,296.00 to be Charged <br />Equally to the Garage, Water and Sewer Capital <br />Accounts <br />ITEM B. Adopt Resolution No. 2233 Approval Local <br />Addendum Between the City of Mounds View and <br />I.U.O.E. Local No. 49 Representing the City's <br />Public Works Employees <br />ITEM C. Authorize Placement of Streetlight in Groveland <br />Park Across from 8255 Fairchild Avenue <br />ITEM D. Authorize Hiring of Steve Payette for a Maximum <br />of 66 Working Days at $5.50 Per Hour to be <br />Charged to Account 700 121 -4020 Commencing <br />9/28/87 <br />ITEM E. Authorize Extension of Storm Sewer from MH145A <br />to Pinewood Drive at a Cost Not to Exceed <br />$1,666.05 to be Charged to the Storm Water <br />Management Fund <br />