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ITEM <br />ITEM <br />ITEM <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />OCTOBER 26, 1987 <br />The Consent Agenda is a technique designed to expedite <br />handling of routine and miscellaneous official business of <br />the City Council. The entire agenda may be adopted by the <br />Council in one motion. The motion for adoption is non <br />debatable and must receive unanimous approval. By request <br />of any individual Councilmember, an item can be removed from <br />the Consent Agenda and placed upon the Regular Agenda for <br />debate. <br />ITEM A. Set Public Hearing for 7:05 p.m. on November 9, <br />1987 for Vacation of Skiba Avenue, Liberty <br />Street and Utility Easements within Vacated <br />Right -Of -Way of Raymond Avenue <br />ITEM B. Approve Position Accountability Write -Ups dated <br />October, 1987 <br />Police Chief <br />Police Lieutenant <br />Police Sergeant <br />Police Secretary <br />Police Clerk- Typist <br />Community Service Officer <br />C. Adopt Resolution No. 2256 <br />Assessments for Auditor's <br />Lake Woods <br />D. Adopt Resolution No. 2259 <br />Assessments for Auditor's <br />Lake Woods <br />Reapportioning <br />No. 0431, Silver <br />Reapportioning <br />No. 5336, Silver <br />E. Authorize Bid Letting for Mounds View Business <br />Park Public Improvements Contingent Upon <br />Approval of Plans and Specifications by City <br />Engineer <br />ITEM F. Adopt Resolution No. 2258 Approving Just and <br />Correct Claims to City Funds <br />