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Mounds View City Council December 14, 1987 <br />Regular Meeting Page Six <br />Councilmember Blanchard stated she was very opposed <br />to another extension, as they have told the citizens <br />that a decision would be made this evening on the <br />preliminary plat. She further stated she agreed with <br />Mayor Linke that a 30 day extension was not enough <br />time to review all the new data submitted, and the <br />changes made. She added that Barr Engineering was very <br />rushed to do their initial report in 45 days. <br />Councilmembers Quick and Wuori stated they both agreed <br />with the comments made by Mayor Linke and Councilmember <br />Blanchard. <br />Councilmember Blanchard asked Mr. Senden if the Army <br />Corps of Engineers had rescinded their approval. <br />Mr. Senden replied they had, however, they should be <br />able to grant a new approval within 20 days. He also <br />pointed out to the Council that very few preliminary <br />plats are submitted that do not change a great deal, <br />and that it is a working process to get everything <br />in order. He also pointed out the final plat can <br />change. Mr. Senden stated that Barr Engineering has <br />all the data, so it should not take them long to submit <br />their findings in writing. <br />Mayor Linke pointed out the preliminary plat has <br />changed considerably and would require time to look <br />at all the changes. <br />Mr. Senden stated Barr is familiar with the new plat, <br />and most of the changes were based on recor_imendations <br />they had made. He added there is no reason to cut <br />this off before everything has been reviewed. <br />Jim Sandidge, 7817 Bona Road, stated none of the <br />citizens have had an opportunity to review the changes <br />made, and he recommended the developer submit a com- <br />pletely new proposal. He emphasized how this proposed <br />development will impact where they live, and the City <br />itself, and he read a letter received by Mr. Ayaz from <br />the Ramsey Soil and Water Conservation District, stating <br />they believe they have been misrepresented by the <br />developer, and they have never taken a position or <br />given an approval to this development. <br />Mr. Senden explained their contact with the Ramsey <br />Soil and Water Conservation District had been on -site, <br />where they agreed to the staking of the boundries by <br />the Corps of Engineering, and nothing had been submitted <br />to them as their approval was not required. <br />Mayor Linke read a memo from Clerk /Administrator Pauley <br />to the Council, dated D ^•comber regarding the letter <br />from the Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation <br />District. <br />