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Mounds View City Council July 25, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Eleven <br />motion was denied, and there was an adequate means for <br />Mr. Harstad to develop his land. Thus, that hardship <br />was addressed in 1981 and determined to not be a hard- <br />ship. <br />Attorney Meyers explained that for Harstad Company's <br />claim of over restrictiveness of Mounds View's ordinance, <br />they are requesting either an amendment to the ordinance <br />or a granting of variances. He advised the variances <br />must meet the requirements of Chapter 40, and he re- <br />viewed specifically the criteria of Chapter 40.26 Sub. D, <br />and the circumstances and conditions which must be met. <br />He advised the City Council would have to make those <br />findings in order to grant the variances requested. <br />Attorney Meyers stated that while Mr. Harstad is de- <br />claring he cannot use his land, economics cannot be <br />considered in the deliberations, and it is possible to <br />develop one lot without any variances. <br />Attorney Meyers reviewed Chapter 48.01, Sub. 2A, regard- <br />ing phosphorus stripping, stating there are many issues <br />to be discussed, and phosphorus stripping is not the <br />sole criteria involved. He added the Council must first <br />decide if they will grant the variances. <br />Councilmember Hankner stated she appreciated having the <br />court reporter removed, as she personally finds it very <br />distracting. <br />Motion /Second: Hankner'Wuori to deny the preliminary <br />plat for Greenfield Estates as proposed, and direct <br />Staff to prepare a resolution of denial, to be acted <br />upon at a special meeting, scheduled for August 1, 1988 <br />at 7 PM, with the resolution to include the reasons for <br />denial of not meeting the 100' buffer, 20,000 square foot <br />lot size, or minimum 125' lot width requirements, as well <br />as for not meeting the requirements of the Code, spe- <br />cifically Chapter 40.26 Sub. D, and the Council will not <br />compromise the integrity of the wetland ordinance. <br />5 ayes <br />0 nays Motion Carried <br />Mayor Linke explained he has a very hard time with the <br />developer saying Mounds View's Code is too restrictive, <br />as the City has a great regard for wetlands and their <br />use, and they will not compromise that because other <br />City's do not feel the same way. He added Mounds View <br />was one of the first cities to write such an ordinance, <br />and while it does not match the ordinances of other <br />cities, it is what was wanted for Mounds View. <br />