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Mounds View City Council July 25, 1988 <br />Regular Meeting Page Five <br />buildable lots. He stated Mr. Harstad was given the <br />opportunity to purchase the land he needed, but it was <br />his position that it was the responsibility of the <br />City to provide access, and he felt that was common <br />with other cities in which he did business, and he <br />chose not to purchase the land as he felt it would be <br />setting a precedent against him. <br />Mr. Merila stated they had conducted a survey of other <br />municipalities in the metro area, for their requirements <br />of lot size, width and building setback in wetland areas, <br />and while the survey had been presented to the City earlier, <br />he reviewed the findings of their contact with the 41 <br />municipalities, stating that only four, including Mounds <br />View, did have requirements and Mounds View's were the <br />most restrictive. Mr. Merila reviewed what the other <br />municipalities required, stating he felt they were more <br />than adequate. He added he feels they have adequate area <br />here to develop the lots and still provide protection of <br />the wetland area. <br />Councilmember Hankner asked if Mr. Merila was suggesting <br />those other cities set their own standards for develop- <br />ment in a wetland. <br />Mr. Merila replied he was not sure of what their proce- <br />dure was, as their discovery had been done via ordinance. <br />Councilmember Hankner inquired how they arrived at setting <br />standards. <br />Mr. Merila replied cities usually do some investigation <br />and then use sound reasoning for setting their standards. <br />He added Mounds View's 125' minimum width requirement is <br />by far the most restrictive, as well as the setback <br />requirement of 100' from the wetland. He stated most of <br />the wetland in the metro area is similar in nature. <br />Upon further questicriing by Councilmember Hankner, Mr. <br />Merila admitted wetlands are very unique and not similar. <br />Mr. Merila stated the Arriy Corps of Engineers has taken <br />control of the majority of wetlands, and they have a <br />permitting process which is required, and they have taken <br />a much stronger role in this than they had in past years. <br />He added he feels the hardship was created with the <br />original plat in 1981, and that Mounds View is overly <br />restrictive in its requirements. <br />Councilmember Hankner pointed out the opportunity was <br />given to Mr. Harstad in 1981 t^ "1rchase the land he <br />needed to have access to his lots, but he felt it was <br />the City's responsibility to provide access, so even <br />aft he knew the City was not going to provide it, he <br />still chose not to do it himself. <br />