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2 <br />Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Rustad that all ordinances of Mounds View <br />Township be accepted. The following voted aye -- Achterkirch, Gibson, Irvine, <br />Rustad and Sullivan, and the following nay- -none. Motion carried. <br />The attorney informed the council that the statute sets the mayor's <br />salary as $50.00 per month and the trustees' salaries at $35.00 per month. <br />Motion by Irvine, seconded by Sullivan that Mary Jean Milbrandt be <br />appointed as Deputy Clerk on a temporary basis. The following voted aye- - <br />Achterkirch, Gibson, Irvine, Rustad and Sullivan, and the following nay- - <br />none. Motion carried. <br />James Mahoney informed the council that all bonds were being taken <br />care of. <br />Motion by Achterkirch, seconded by <br />Town and Countyy Sign, to change Mounds <br />View Village at a maxiumum of $2.00 per <br />Achterkirch, Gibson, Irvine, Rustad and <br />none. Motion carried. <br />Sullivan to appoint John Koontz, <br />View Township signs to read Mounds <br />sign. The following voted aye- - <br />Sullivan, and the following nay -- <br />Officer Schaffhausen inquired as to the duties of the Constable, also <br />as to the possibility of using Ernest Grabowski on the police force part <br />time. Matter referred to Achterkirch. <br />Upon motion by Sullivan, seconded by Irvine the meeting adjourned at <br />'9:20 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />7 / , <br />Martha Irvine <br />Clerk <br />