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12 <br />Don Schaffhausen, 2000 Co. Rd. H2 requested information about <br />developing property on County Road J. Informed as to procedure for <br />presenting a plat. <br />Building Inspector inquired a$ to issuing a permit for a home on <br />Lot 28 in Pinewood Terrace. Engineer to check. <br />Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Achterkirch to deputize 6 men as <br />special police officers for the 4th of July weekend emergency, beginning <br />July 3 at 3:00 P.M. and ending July 7 at 3:00 A.M. Men to be paid $1.00 <br />an hour. 5 ayes. <br />Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Rustad to appoint Mrs. Luff as Co— <br />Director of Civil Defense. 5 ayes. <br />Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Achterkirch to pay Junior water safety <br />instructor on an hourly basis (approximately $400.00 total); to pay up to <br />$50.00 for maintenance on the beach; and $200.00 to Midget League Baseball. <br />5 ayes. <br />Motion by Sullivan,!seconded by Achterkirch to adopt resolution from <br />Northern States Power Co. regarding street lights. (Copy of resolution) <br />Motion by Rustad, seconded by Sullivan to adjourn meeting at 12:25 A.M. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Martha Irvine <br />Clerk <br />