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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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45 <br />All Bills were approved to be paid. <br />Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Achterkirch to approve the minutes of the <br />December 16th meeting with Spring Lake Park. <br />The minutes of the December 16th meeting were amended to read that Trustee <br />Sullivan thanked retiring members Rustad and Irvine for their services and <br />recommended that Martha Irvine be reappointed to the Planning Committee. Motion <br />by Achterkirch, seconded by Sullivan to approve the minutes as amended. <br />Mr. Bentrup was advised to bring in a survey of the first lot on his property. <br />The storm sewer study was discussed. Trustee Christensen to attempt to obtain <br />a set of blueprints Eros Engineer Hagglund regarding work which had been previously <br />done in the village for examination by Eggineer Bonestroo. Mr. Hagnlund also to <br />be requested to attend the January 20th meeting if possible. <br />Clerk Smith recommended that appointment of an engineer be tabled until the <br />storm sewer study situation is settled. Recommendation of Sullivan to make the <br />appointment on January 20th and have Otto Bonestroo continue until a permanent <br />appointment is made. <br />Tom Irvine, member of the Ramsey County Library Board, explained their <br />request for a 2 mill levy for 2 years to provide for a central library building <br />for the rural part of Ramsey County. Motion by Gibson, seconded by Smith for <br />concurrence with the recommendation from the Library Board requesting .a 2 mill <br />levy for a central library building. 5 ayes. <br />A resolution Establishing Rules Governing Conduct and Procedure of the <br />Village Council meetings was read by the Mayor and discussed. <br />Mayor Gibson presented an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance #50. Motion by <br />Gibson to approve Ordinance to repeal Ordinance #50. Motion lost, no second. <br />Mayor Gibson requested that the Attorney write to the Attorney General asking <br />him for his opinion regarding the legality of Ordinance #50. Gibson requested <br />that Meyers not give his personal opinion about the Ordinance to the Attorney General. <br />Motion by Christensen, seconded by Achterkirch to approve the Resolution <br />Governing the Conduct of Village Council meetings with the deletion of Section 3A <br />under Rule 17. 5 ayes. <br />Clerk Earl Smith suggested that the office hours be changed possibly to from <br />9 to 3 and also 'ave the office open one evening a week. Clerk Smith recommended <br />that Mary Jean Milbrandt be appointed as Deputy Clerk. Motion by Smith, seconded <br />by Sullivan for selary of the Deputy Clerk to remain at $50.00 per week. <br />Motion by Christensen, seconded by Sullivan to make the following appointments: <br />Legal Counsel: Richard-Meyers <br />Health Officer: Dr. R. J. Houle <br />Dog Catcher: Donald Bona <br />Plumbing Inspector: Wniter Skiba <br />Heating Inspector: Walter Skiba <br />Electrical Inspector: Robert J. Edmond <br />Acting Chief of Police: John P. Och <br />5 ayes. <br />
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