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49 <br />Mr. Lee and Mr. Melberg spoke with the Council regarding the Skiba property <br />and their plans for commercial development for that area. They informed the <br />Council that they were conducting an economic survey which would be completed in <br />approximately a week and they would have additional information for the Council <br />at that time. <br />The Council spoke with Mr. Comstock of Comstock and Davis with regard to the <br />position of Village Entineer. <br />The Mayor read the Lakeside Park Ordinance. Discussion of the Ordinance <br />followed. Mr. Haugen stated that the park in its present status had been built <br />by "doing it yourself". He said that the Park had a warming house and lighting <br />and that certainly the villages should now take over and maintain and improve the <br />park. Motion by Christensen, seconded by Smith that our Attorney be instructed <br />to write for an Attorney General's opinion as follows: That a complete copy of the <br />ordinance be sent to him and the following question asked without further comment. <br />I request an opinion on the legality of this ordinance and a statement as to <br />whether the law preventing public institutions, such as school districts, from <br />purchasing real estate which has anything less than a fee simple title is applicable <br />to municipalities as regards this case. Voting aye Christensen and Smith; no, <br />Achterkirch, Sullivan and Gibson. Motion defeated. George Gustafson stated that <br />the villages would be getting a 320,000 property for 31,000 so what are we waiting <br />for. It was brought up that perhaps Ramsey County would develpp4the property on <br />the East and South side of the Lake as a park. Trustee Sullivan said that <br />developing that area should not be a detriment to Lakeside Park. Trustee Achterkirch <br />stated that this was not a haphazard or hair brain idea, that a lot of good people <br />had worked hard on the reports, that he was 100% for it and he'd like not to be on <br />the Council if they do not pass the Ordinance. Allen Crane, Chairman of the <br />Planning Commission cited the recommendation of the Planning Consultant in General <br />Planning Report #3. Mayor Gibson said he would like the new members of the Council <br />to have a change to study the Ordinance and put it on the agenda for the February <br />2nd meeting to be voted on at that time. Mr. Frits said he felt they should accept <br />the attorney's advice as legal and go ahead with the thing as the time element was <br />very important. The Council would have to set up their commission members and they <br />in turn set up a program for the year. Clerk Smith said he would never vote on <br />anything until he was informed of all the facts. Motion by Achterkirch, seconded <br />by Sullivan to adopt the Lakeside Park Ordinance. Voting aye Achterkirch and <br />Sullivan; abstaining, Christensen, Smith and Gibson. Mayor Gibson stated that the <br />Ordinance would appear as Item 3 on the agenda for the February 2nd meeting and it <br />would be voted on favorably or unfavorably at that time. <br />Motion by Achterkirch, seconded by Gibson that the Village purchase new <br />equipment for the new police car and dispose of the old equipment entact with the <br />old car. 5 ayes. <br />Motion made by Gibson, seconded by <br />assessor for the Village of Mounds View <br />The financial statement was tabled <br />Motion by Achterkirch, seconded by <br />Sullivan to appoint Leone Hlavinka assistant <br />for 1959. 5 ayes. <br />until February 2nd. <br />Sullivan to adjourn at 5:44 P.M. <br />Respectfully ,petted, <br />7 _Aran/ <br />--- <br />Earl E. SMith <br />Clerk <br />
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