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55 <br />order to gain permission to tie into the Minneapolis system. Trustee Christensen <br />asked that the council set up a committee for the purpose of contacting Twin City <br />Arsenal Officials in order to determine what could be done to speed up the process <br />of connecting to the Arsenal sewer line. Motion made by Achterkirch and seconded by <br />Smith that Trustee Christensen be appointed to head this committee and commence with <br />the aforementioned preliminary investigation. 4 ayes to this motion. <br />The appointment of the Parks and Recreation Committee was discussed and tabled <br />until:the March 16th meeting. <br />Mr. Don Bona, Dog Catcher for the village appeared at the request of the council <br />to discuss dog catching activities in the village. Motion was made by SMith, seconded <br />by Achterkirch to meet informally on April 1st to discuss the dog problem and study <br />the dog ordinance with the possibility of amending that ordinance. 4 ayes to the motion. <br />Clerk Smith stated that he had contacted the State of Minnesota Public Examiner in <br />regards to a deficiency in the 1958 Financial Statement, which was due to a check <br />written by a Mr. Donald Skala in the amount of 8162.00 for payment of a J. P. Fine, <br />said check written on a bark in which Mr. Skaja did not have an account. In view of this <br />information the Public Examiner felt that a member of his staff should be called in to <br />audit the books in order to clear the 1958 records. Clerk Smith presented to the Council <br />a form issued by the Public Examiner's Office the completion of which would allow audit <br />of the Village Records. Approval for such audit was denied by the majority of the <br />council members on grounds that cost of such audit was not warranted in view of the <br />fact that the council was aware of this deficiency in the 1958 financial statement and <br />steps would be taken to rectify said deficiency. A motion was made by Smith and <br />seconded by Achterkirch that the check written by Donald Skaja be turned over to the <br />Attorney for collection or other legal action. 4 ayes. <br />A letter received from Northwest Hydro-Gas Co. was read by the clerk wherein it was <br />stated that this company felt that a license was not needed to set a tank on property <br />within the village. Mr. Walter Skiba, heating inspector, stated that this company was <br />not only setting the tanks but also running lines into the houses for hooking up with <br />appliances. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to prepare a letter to the Northwest <br />Hydro-Gas Co. advising them that a license is not necessary for setting a tank but if <br />lines are run from a tank into a house the company must obtain a license from the <br />Village Office. <br />It was reported that companies known as the Willard Cesspool Service, the North <br />Suburban Plumbing Co. and a one Johnny Herr was conducting cesspool service within the <br />village without a license. The Deputy Clerk was instructed to write letters to the <br />aforementioned advising them that if they intend to continue servicing the village a <br />license must be obtained. <br />Trustee Achterkirch read the Police report for February, 1959 and it was pointed <br />out with concern that the juvenile cases had increased noticably. It was suggested <br />that the chief of police or a police representative inform the council as to the number <br />of cases which were minor and major in nature in order to determine the underlying <br />cause or causes for this increase. <br />The Deputy Clerk was instructed to request the five engineers who were to be <br />interviewed by the council for the sewer and water survey, to submit their proposals <br />by March 6th and set up a schedule in half hour intervals beginning at 7:30 on March <br />llth ih order that each'engineer could present his own personal qualifications and <br />proposals. <br />A recommendation from the Planning Committee was received by the Council in regards <br />