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56 <br />to rezoning of property from Residential District "A" to Residential District "B" in the <br />Twelve Oaks Addition by the Northeast Construction Co. The Planning Committee recommended <br />denials of request for such rezoning, reasons for such recommendation contained in the <br />Planning Report, Case No. C-59-1, dated February 28, 1959. Motion made by Christensen, <br />seconded by Achterkirch to accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission to <br />deny the request for rezoning by Northeast Construction Co. 4 ayes to the motion. <br />The subject of a payment for a torrence fee for a walk through easement between <br />Erickson Road and Quincy Street was brought to the attention of the council with the <br />question of whether said fee should be paid by the builder of that section or by the <br />Village. Motion made by Trustee Achterkirch and seconded by Christensen that the <br />Village pay the $8.00 fee in order to alleviate the trouble and expense in compelling <br />the builder to pay the fee. 4 ayes to the motion. <br />Motion by Achterkirch, seconded by Christensen to adjourn at 11:10 P.M. <br />Respectfully submi ted, <br />Earl E. Smith <br />Clerk <br />