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May 4, 1959 67 <br />The regular meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was called to order by <br />Mayor James Gibson at 8:05 P.M. on May 4, 1959, at the Village Hall, 1450 West <br />Highway 96. <br />The following were present: <br />Mayor: <br />Clerk: <br />Trustees: <br />Deputy Clerk: <br />Legal Counsel: <br />Engineer: <br />Treasurer: <br />James W. Gibson <br />Earl L. Smith <br />Melford C. Christensen <br />John L. Sullivan <br />Betty Walbridge <br />Richard Meyers <br />E. V. Comstock <br />Irene Edberg <br />Absent: Reuben G. Achterkirch <br />The Clerk read the minutes of the meeting of April 6, 1959. Motion by Sullivan <br />seconded by Christensen to Tprove the minutes as read. The Clerk read the minutes <br />of the meeting of April 20, 1959. A correction was made to the minutes that a motion <br />should have been inserted that Officer Grabowski receive a raise in salary from 850,00 <br />to 8100.00 a month. Motion by Christensen seconded by Sullivan that the minutes be <br />approved as read. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Hellerstedt appeared before the council in regards to rezoning of the property <br />in the triangle between Highway 8 and Highway 10 from farm residential to industrial. <br />A recommendation from the Planning Commission was read suggesting denial of this rezoning. <br />Motion by Sullivan seconded by Christensen to concur with the recommendation. of the <br />Planning Commission and deny rezoning of the property from farm residential to industrial <br />as described in the petition by Mr. Hellerstedt, an agent for the GliSan Realty. Motion <br />carried unanimously. Mr. Hellerstedt requested that this property then be rezOned to <br />commercial instead of industrial, Motion by Smith that the rezoning for commercial be <br />referred to the Planning Commissionaand the 810.00 fee for said rezoning be waived in <br />view of the fact that a 810.00"reidning fee has been paid previously. Motion amended <br />by Sullivan that a new application for rezoning to commercial be tendered to the Planning <br />Commission. Motion seconded by Sullivan and carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Sam Dalberg appeared before the council requesting division of Lot 86 Spring <br />Lake Park '6nolls Addition into two 824- foot lots. Motion. by Smith, seconded by <br />Christensen that the division of Lot 86 Spring Lake Park Knolls Addition be referred <br />to the Planning Commission for recommendation. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mr. George Gustafson appeared before the council requesting sub—division of Lot 69 <br />under Sub 89. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Christensen that the plat for Lot 69 under <br />Sub 89 and the preliminary sketch thereof be referred to the Planning Commission for <br />recommendation and that when referred back to the council for action the plat for this <br />sub—division be formalized. Motion carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Alma Bacon appeared before the council and presented a report concerning the <br />situation of burning of garbage by incinerator methods. It was pointed out by Mrs. Bacon <br />that for purpose of conservation, garbage could be processed and used as fertilizer; a <br />program which she feels tIlat all villages should try to promote. Mayor Gibson stated <br />that the members of the council would read the report and make disposition thereof as <br />soon as possible. <br />Mr. Ed Gerner of,Pinewood Drive appeared before the council regarding a culvert <br />on County Road I stating that said culvert is not properly maintained to dissipate the <br />flow of water during heavy rains and that the water backs up to his house. Mayor Gibson <br />stated that necessary action would be taken on this and that the county would be <br />notified so that they could take steps to correct this situation. <br />