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Motion by Smith seconded by Crane that Trustee Christensen, <br />the village attorney and the village Engineer be appointed to <br />a committee from Mounds View to correlate their efforts with members <br />of other villages outlined in the sewer resolutions, in order to <br />arrive at a mutual agreement between the municipalities entering <br />into a similar resolution. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane appointed Christensen and .-lodges to review the <br />police ordinance and to recommend appointments to the iolice Com- <br />mission. <br />Mayor Crane also appointed Trustee Christensen and Mr. McCluer <br />to head a street committee for a study of future street construction <br />in the village. <br />Christensen and Crane to head a committee to investigate build- <br />ing of a Village Hall and. Office. <br />Trustee Hodges, Mayor Crane and Mr. Stole to head a land <br />acquisition committee for the purpose of building a civic center <br />and park area. <br />A meeting between the Justices of the Peace and Council <br />was arranged for "Tednesday night, February 10, 1960 at 8 :30 p.rr,. <br />Chief Foburtus submitted a Police report for the year of 1959, <br />contents of said report on file in the Village Office. <br />A Subdivision request submitted by Mrs. Bacon for lot #78, <br />Hillview Addition referred to the Planning Commission for study and <br />a report. <br />The subject of hiring more help in the Village Office or <br />raising the Clerk's salary was mentioned by Mayor Crane. Following <br />a heated discussion between the council and citizens from the floor <br />matter was tabeled until further investigation could be made. <br />Motion by lodges seconded by Malvin to approve the following <br />licenses: <br />