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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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Lametti and Sons - Work and materials to complete <br />water improvement Project #1960 -1 <br />Ehlers and Mann and Assoc. Professional Sv. <br />Comstock and Davis - Professional Engineering Sv. <br />for planning of water improvement project <br />#1960-1 for water mains <br />Comstock and Davis,- Professional engineering <br />Services for planning of elevated water <br />storage tower and tank <br />Comstock and Davis - General Supervision of <br />Construction of water improvement project <br />#1960 - 1 <br />$75.332.40 <br />$11,176.30 <br />$1,768.95 <br />$753.32 <br />Upon call of roll for approval of the above bills, all voted aye, <br />motion carried. <br />Motion by Crane, seconded by Hodges that all other bills submitted and <br />audited by the council at this meeting be paid. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane announced that there will be an informal discussion meeting <br />of the Council on July 18, 1960 at 7:00 p. m. in the village office. <br />It was also announced that the next regular meeting would be Monday, ,duly <br />25, 1960 at 8 :00 p. m. at the Red Oak School. <br />An Ordinance was given to the council for study amending <br />the well ordinance. Mr. Meyers, Village Attorney stated that <br />basically the changes are that all commercial wells in the Vil- <br />lage shall comply with the Iinnesota. State Department of Health <br />acid Public Water supply requirements. This would ammend the <br />last two pages of the well ordinance. <br />The subject of vacations for village employees was again <br />brought to the attention of the council and that several reso- <br />lutions had been prepared for this purpose. Motion by Christensen <br />seconded by Crane to accept the general vacation Om Resolution <br />subject "A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR VACATIONS FOR THE EMPLOYEES <br />OF THE VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIEW". 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />Motion by Christensen seconded by Hodges that the Deputy <br />Clerk be granted two weeks vacation with pay. 5 ayes, motion <br />carried. <br />Motion by Crane seconded by Malvin, that Grabowski, Rustad <br />and Slifer be granted two weeks vacation with pay. 5 ayes, <br />motion carried. <br />Motion by Hodges seconded by Malvin that Patrolman <br />Pierce be granted xx Two weeks vacation with pay. Motion amend- <br />ed by Christensen that Pierce be granted one week with pay and <br />one week without pay due to the short time of service with the <br />Police Force. <br />The Ordinance amending Ordinance 15 "CIRTIFICi TE or COIiPLE' -- <br />TION AND AFFIDAVIT OF OCCUPANCY". Motion by Crane seconded by <br />Hodges to accept said ordinance, and thalt when new building permits <br />are printed it be stated on the form that a Completion Certificate <br />and Affidavit of Occupancy will be required. 5 ayes, motion carried. <br />(3) <br />
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