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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 12:14:47 PM
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Pate 5 <br />At this point Clerk Smith re-opened the subject of the rezoning <br />on Larson's property as requested by ;,r. George Gustafson. Upon the <br />discussion concerning the hearing and .finain. that the Ordinance die: <br />call ler a hearin; on the property; the subject was laid aside since <br />the previous motion and second would not help I.r. Larson in the rc- <br />zonin;; on his property until such '.main_; was hold. <br />The Village ;Ittorney read an affidavit condemning the site of ft <br />house in the 7000 Block on Lona Lake Load. notion by Christensen, <br />seconded by Iod :r;os t'rat a puLlic '.iearin be held at 3 :30 p.m. on <br />December 12, 1960 for condemnation of said property on Lon„ Lake "load. <br />5 ayes, motion carried. <br />The Village attorney .stated that he would publish the notice in <br />the legal newspaper and the Buildin; Inspector would be advised to <br />place a notice on the condemned property. ',potion by Crane <br />lotion by Crane, seconded by P_alvin to pass a Resolution modifying <br />certain .water assessments, said 7.esolution dated this date. 5 ayes, <br />motion carried. <br />The subject of the County Ice Skaa.ting .'arena to be placed on the <br />Northeast corner of the County was again brought to the attention of <br />the Council and a motion was made by Crane, seconded, by Lalvin to <br />adopt a Resolution objecting to the location of said ,ice-skating arena. <br />5 ayes, motion carried. The Clerk was directed to prepare copies of <br />this esolution to be forwarded to the Ramsey County Commissioners <br />and the four newspapers. <br />The Village Attorney ':resented an ordinance to the Council which <br />was an Ordinance prohibiting fli ;ht to avoid arrest and requiring <br />cooperation ti rith law enforcement officers. Said Ordinance was read by <br />the Village Attorney and laid aside to ae studied until the next rieetinL . <br />The Village Attorney also read an Ordinance amending Ordinance <br />No. 1 which is an Ordinance to protect the public peace, morals, and <br />decency by licehse and rogalatin; race tracks, prohibiting; the operation <br />of race tracks unless a license has been procured t'terefor; establishin ; <br />fees for the issuance of said licenses. This Ordinance was also laid <br />aside to be studied for the next rneeti n;. <br />The Village Attorney stated that 'le had received a letter from <br />Deaver and Talley, i'r. allace GroberL's attorney, regarding the <br />property on Bronson -)rive and that a deed will be prepared for Lot <br />No 55 with a 20 -ft. easement to the Villa.e as discussed with the <br />Villa;e officials recently. <br />The Village Attorney also stated that the bond money would be <br />delivered on November 29th, which was received from sale of bonds on <br />Project No. 1960 -3 and certain a.aount on Project No. 1960 -1. <br />The Village Attorney stated that he had received a letter from <br />the :'attorneys for the O' Connells who own the land on which the well <br />site has been placed. The O' Connells decided to accept the award of <br />,:1,500.00 an acre. <br />
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