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000001 <br />PR0CEEDINGS OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL <br />VILLAGE OF MOUNDS VIETJ <br />RAMSEY COUNTY <br />MINNESOTA <br />A special meeting of the Mounds View Village Council was cal".ed <br />to order at 8:10 p.m. on Tuesday, January 3, 194 by Mayor A11 z ;rare <br />at the villa ;e office. <br />Members present: <br />Uayor: Allan 3. Crane <br />Trustee: Melford C. Christensen <br />Donald B. Hodges <br />Perry I`alvin <br />Clerk: L. Jerome Blanchard <br />Members Absent: <br />None <br />The first item of business was to appoint an official newspaper <br />for the Village. Mayor Crane moved, Malvin seconded that the New <br />rihton 'Bulletin be the official newspaper for the Village of Mounds <br />View for the year 1961. Clerk Blanchard read letters of application <br />from the New Brighton Bulletin and the Rose Tribune. 5 ayes for <br />approval, motion carried. <br />Motion was made by Trustee Christensen, seconded by Hodes that <br />we retain the First State Bank of New Brighton as our official deposi- <br />tory for mounds View Village for the year 1961. 5 ayes for approval, <br />motion carried. <br />Lotion by Mayor Crane, seconded by Trustee Hodges that all appoint- <br />ees and committees continue to serve until relieved or replaced. 5 <br />ayes for approval, motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane announced that on Saturday, January 7th, the League <br />of Minnesota P:unicipalities is conducting a seminar for new councilmen <br />and mayors- -those who have not previously attended. Trustee Malvin <br />.::owed, :Mayor Crane seconded a motion that the Village send Clerk <br />Blanchard to this seminar and pay tuition and registration fees of <br />L" . 5O if he wishes to go. 5 ayes for approval, notion carried. <br />Clerk Blanchard read a letter from the Emmett L. Moore insurance <br />Cu:arany stating that they have bond coverage for the truck. _operated by <br />hr, Skiba as well as for Mr. Skiba himself. They recommended that <br />Jr ,, Skiba obtain his own insurance and the Village reimburse him for <br />it l%ayor Crane instructed the Clerk to refer this to the Attorney <br />for his recommendation. <br />The subject of 450.00 paid to Emmett L. Eoore Insurance Company <br />to cover grater checks was brought up. Mayor Crane recommended t:lat the <br />whole insurance program be referred to the Attorney for analysis and <br />that a representative of the Emmett L. Moore Insurance Company be asked <br />to explain their "multiple coverage" insurance. <br />