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000004 <br />Page 2. <br />Minutes of January 9, 196 Meeting. <br />Motion b-- Mayor Crane, seconded by Hodges to accept the Planning <br />Commisssion members (see list attached). 4 Ayes for approval, motion <br />carried. <br />Motion by Crane, seconded by Hodges to accept the Lakeside <br />Park Commission members (see list attached). 4 Ayes for approval, <br />motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane made .a motion which was seconded by Trustee Malvin <br />to appoint Ernie Grabowski as Police Chief for the year 1961. 4 <br />Ayes for approval, motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane moved, seconded by Hodges to appoint Chris <br />Piehowski as Building Inspector, Robert Edmond as Electrical,Tnspector <br />and Wally Skiba as Plumbing Inspector for the year 1961. 4 Ayes for <br />approval, motion carried. <br />A motion was made by 1Iayor Crane and seconded by Blanchard to <br />re-appoint Ken Ballenger as Civil Defense Director. 4 Ayes for <br />approval, motion carried. <br />Motion by Mayor Crane, seconded by Malvin to appoint Donald <br />Hodges Acting Mayor for the year 1961. 4 Ayes for approval, motion <br />carried.. <br />The Dog Catcher is still operating and will do so until <br />replaced or re- appointed. He has submitted three proposals° This <br />will be discussed at the January 23rd meeting. The appointment of' <br />a Weed Inspector will also be taken up at the January 23rd meeting, <br />as well as other appointments which have not already been made. The <br />Attorney will contact prospective appointees and submit their agree- <br />ments to the Council by Wednesday, January 18th, 1961. This would <br />include a Village Planner, Engineer and Dogcatcher. <br />Trustee Christensen entered the meeting at this point.(8a45 P.M.). <br />Hr. and Mrs•. Blumhofer, owners of the condemned property at <br />7856 Long Lake Road appeared before the Council. They stated that <br />they haventt found out how much it will cost to fix the place up <br />so they would like to wait until spring for this matter. They were <br />handed a letter from the Building Inspector which stated, in part, <br />that the square footage of the building is short, it should be not <br />less than 768 feet. Mayor Crane suggested that this matter be <br />postponed and referred to the Building Sub- Committee. The Building <br />Inspector and the Building Sub - Committee will inform the Blumhofers <br />by letter of the results of this study. <br />Mrs. Peterson brought up the subject of dog licenses being <br />stolen. The Council has in the past and will again consider this <br />matte_, although there seems to be no solution. However, Trustee <br />Christensen feels that the situation would improve with a dogcatcher <br />on the job. <br />Clerk Blanchard brought to the attention of the Council two <br />claims for groceries which have been submitted by the Civil Defense. <br />Ken Ballenger said the claim for 120.67 was to come under the mass <br />feeding stipulation when they went to Jordan. The claims were <br />returned to Mr. Ballenger for correction and re- submission to the <br />Council. <br />