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000009 <br />Minutes of January 9th, 1961 Hooting. <br />Tir, Boyers reported that the bond of a Contractor, Carroll <br />Doan Stensland, is not in good form. He will notify them that the <br />Bond is not acceptable. <br />Attorney Meyers read a proposed Resolution for Highway 10-62. <br />Mr. iieyors reported that ho has two deeds from the O'Connell's <br />which he will now file. <br />Mayor or Crane moved seconded by Chris tenseh to acquire 11.87 acres <br />of land from Mr. Foley adjacent to the O Z Connell land and that the <br />Attorney will continuo to negotiate. The attorney has submitted an <br />earnest money contract to Mr. Foley's Attorney which has not yet been <br />returned. It provides for a dorm payment of 03500.00 bringing the <br />balance down to 316,000.00 which will be paid over a 4 yoar period <br />at 55. 5 Ayes for approval, motion carried. <br />Attorney Moyers asked that a copy of the fire contract be <br />available to him so ho can chock it. <br />Mayor Crane moved to accept the Minnesota Management .Survey <br />submitted by Mr. Gene Macaulay. "The motion was seconded by Blanchard, <br />5 Ayes for approval, motion carried. <br />Mayor Crane suggested that the Villagr should have an inventory <br />of Village property, this being the duty of the Public Welfare <br />Committoo which will be due at the first mooting in February. <br />Clerk Blanchard stated that the Village office needs a full <br />time Deputy Clerk and we should advertise in our local norspapor. <br />Hours will be from 8A.M. to 4:30 P.M.- Monday, Tuesday Thursday and <br />Friday. On Wednesday's the hours fror 12200 Noon to 3:30 P. M. with <br />a half hour lunch poriod olnry day. * -The a')ilities of no Deputy <br />Clerk would have to include Bookkeop *ng and General Office knowledge. <br />Mayor Crane suggested that Clerk Blanchard, Mr. Macaulay and himself <br />form a Committee to sot up the qualifications and sreen applicants. <br />Applications will be taken until January 20th with the intention <br />of having someone hired by Fo'?:ruary 13th. Motion by Crane, seconded <br />by Hodges that Clerk Blanchard, Mayor Crane and fir. Macaulay take <br />and screen applicants for Deputy Clerk. Hodges- aye; Malvin -aye, <br />Christenso -aye; Blanchard -no; Crane -aye. L Ayes for approval, <br />motion carried. <br />Blanchard moved, Crano seconded a motion to have a Consultant <br />come in and set up an adequate, legal and operable filing and <br />bookkeeping system. Mayor Crano suggested that tho Council inter- <br />view C.P.A.'s to get an idea what it would cost to set up a now <br />system for the Village office. 5 Aycs for approval, motion carried. <br />*New office hours suggested by Clerk Blanchard wore to bo <br />effective Monday, January 16th. <br />After a discussion of the rate of pay under the new office hours' <br />it was decided to leave the hours as they are until a now Doputy <br />Clerk is hired. <br />Donald Hodges referred literature he had received regarding <br />power brooms to Trustee Christensen. <br />Trustee Christenson will prepare a list of intersections which <br />will have ^qtr street signs and will submit this list to tho Council <br />at the next mooting. <br />Chris Piehowski presented a list of four houses which were <br />red - tagged January 9th. Those tagged were: 8430 Eastwood <br />8247 Spring Lake Rd. <br />838 -i- Grovoland <br />Hwy, 10 at Rico Creek <br />Separation. <br />