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.3. <br />Mr. Frits stated that as the Irondale Inn was being vacated after <br />purchase by the State Hiyvay Department, perhaps the Recreation Department <br />could use the building on one of the Park sights. <br />Mr. Hodges was instructed to investigate this matter. <br />Mr. Malvin reported that the Lakeside Park Commission was having <br />an overall plan drawn up for the Park and mould be meeting with the <br />Council on this matter in the near future. <br />Mr. Christensen moved that a work order to the county be sent to do <br />the excavating work necessary for the installation and the connection <br />of condUitto the existing culvert, fill material over conduit, and <br />lowering of existing culvert to grade for the storm drainage of Lambert <br />Playground. Seconded by Blanchard. 5 Ayes. <br />Mr. Christensen reported that after a tour with Mr.Skiba a list <br />of additional work to be done on the roads by the contractors will be <br />submitted to the Village Engineer. He further reported that small <br />patching jobs in the Village were being undertaken by the Village, with <br />Village employees doing some of the work in an effort to cut costs on <br />patching. <br />Motion by Christensen to have work order sent to County to Scarify <br />Pinewood Drive from Jackson to Quincy and to oil and sand. Work order <br />to have notice to notify Village Engineer when work is to commence for <br />possible grade corrections. Seconded by Malvin.. 5 Ayes. <br />Mr. Christensen also reported that the pending work order are scheduled <br />but he has not received any notification as to starting date. <br />The matter of Gloria Circle drainage was brought up. It was stated <br />that the flushing of the hydrants at the dead end of that water line will <br />possibly cause a hazard this winter. <br />The attorney was instructed to contact the contractor regarding the <br />$500.00 dedicated for construction of Gloria Circle. <br />Mr. Piehowski further reported that after further investigation the <br />house at Sherwood and Fairchild was not sub-standard. <br />Motion by Crane to appoint Mr. Walter Waibel, 7150 Knollwood Dr., <br />to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of H. Carnes. Term <br />expires December 31st, 1962. Seconded by Malvin. 5 Ayes. <br />The Engineer reported that the contractor on project 1961 -1 would <br />start work this week. <br />The matter of right of way easement for Fairchild Ave. for the water <br />project was brought up. Five of the residents concerned were present <br />and expressed the view that 27 feet as proposed was actually more than <br />needed to fill the Village requirements. <br />After much discussion Mr. Crane moved that the Village acquire 17 <br />additional feet on the West side of Fairchild Ave. Motion lost for lack <br />of second. <br />Mr. Christensen then instructed the three home- owners on the South end <br />of the road to come to an agreement among themselves as to where they feel <br />the water line should go. The engineer will then decide if their location <br />of the line is feasable from an engineering stand point and to correct it <br />if it is not feaseable. This would be the easement that would then be <br />obt ained . <br />