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-3- <br />0d0009 <br />anuary 8th, 1962 Council meeting (con't) <br />Mr. Sullivan stated he felt that the Village was getting a <br />bad name from these establishments because of purported service and/or <br />catering to minors and, also, because of purported gambling. <br />Mr. Blanchard took issue with this and a heated discussion <br />followed. <br />The motion and seconded were withdrawn and Mr. Sullivan said <br />he would take it upon himself to investigate further and come up with <br />the necessary proof of guilt, if it was possible. <br />The Clerk is to request Mr. Lazarz and Mrs. Berthelsen to be <br />present at the next agenda meeting. <br />Motion by Blanchard to approve license applications and issue <br />licenses. (list attached) Seconded by Hodges. 4 ayes. <br />The Clerk was instructed to have drawn up a one page outline <br />of steps needed to procure a building permit for home or business. <br />Motion by Malvin to adjoun. Seconded by Blanchard. 4 ayes. <br />Meeting adjourned at 10 :15 P.M. <br />Respectfully submitted by <br />Lloyd J. Blanchard <br />Village Clerk <br />