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0J0004 <br />Mr. Malvin stated that he felt that the hiring of this firm <br />would result in a more costly program to the Village than would <br />Mr. Meyers. <br />Mayor Crane stated that although he wasn't completly happy <br />with the outcome he still felt that the jobs of Attorney and Fiscal <br />Agent should be held by two different persons. <br />Motion by Blanchard to appoint B & E Patrol as Village dog- <br />catcher and to try and negotiate a contract with them, allowing <br />a yearly fee of $1,650.00 in 12 payments of $137.50 each. <br />Seconded by Sullivan. 5 Ayes. <br />Motion by Crane to appoint Mr. Charles E. Jackson. 2237 Oakwood <br />as Civil Defense Director with an expense allowance of $30.00 per month <br />to be paid if accompanied by a statement of expenses. Seconded <br />by Hodges. 5 Ayes. <br />The applicants previously excused were readmitted to the meeting. <br />Motion by Malvin to re- appoint Mrs. Julie Lunde -8444 Red Oak <br />Drive to .the Lakeside Park Commission, Term to expire December 31, 1965. <br />Seconded by Crane, 5 Ayes. <br />Motion by Crane to reappoint Trustee Donald Hodges, Mrs. Glen <br />Dawson, and Mr. Ralph Edberg to the rec ection committee. Seconded <br />by Blanchard. 5 Ayes. <br />Terms to expire: <br />Donald Hodges December 31, 1963 <br />Ralph Edberg December 31, 1965 <br />Mrs. Dawson December 31, 1965 <br />Mr. Piehowski, Building Inspector, appeared with a gentleman <br />requesting the Council to allow a second apartment building near <br />Sunnyside Road and Highway ##10. The Council advised that no action <br />could be taken without a proper request including an application <br />for a building permit. <br />The Clerk is to obtain contracts from the Attorney, Engineer, & <br />Fiscal Agent for approval by the Council. (five copies <br />Mayor Crane reported the following: <br />1. As the Anoka Bus Line has abondoned the Lexington -New <br />Brighton route, the extension of their Spring Lake Park run into <br />Pinewood is desirable, therefore, the Clerk will request the owner of <br />the Company to be present at the rext regular agenda meeting to discuss <br />this with the Council. <br />2. Police report for December 1962 read and placed on file. <br />3. Police report for the year 1962 read and placed on file. <br />4. Motion by Crane to enter into a telephone answering service <br />agreement with the Ramsey County Sheriff's Office to be used in <br />conjunction with the Hoffman Answering Service until new phone listings <br />are made, at which time the Hoffman Answering service agreement will be <br />terminated. Seconded by Blanchard. 5 Ayes. <br />5. The Clerk was instructed to investigate the possible <br />purchase of two volumes of tax data on the Village, for use in the <br />Office from Ramsey County Auditor. <br />6. The N.S.S.S.D. hearing tomorrow night. (1- 15 -63) <br />