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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 1:09:36 PM
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4/12/2011 8:56:39 AM
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-3- <br />Electrical Inspector, Robert Edmond reported that apparently <br />the County work crew hit a power pole which put a strain on the wires <br />3 the Byron 'Anderson Home at 2204 Lois Drive. The Attorney was <br />instructed to investigate and determine who is responsible for damage <br />to the house. <br />Building Inspector, Chris Piehowski, submitted a special <br />permit requested by A.W.Kugler to build a second garage to park his <br />bakery station wagon. Motion by Malvin to issue a special use permit <br />to A.W.Kugler. Seconded by Hodges. 3 Ayes. Motion Carried, <br />Piehowski reported on substandard work being done by an <br />unlicensed contractor on Woodlawn Drive, <br />Attorney Meyers advised the Building Inspector to get <br />complaint forms from Justice Court - 1. Failure to obtain a license. <br />2. Violation of Building Code <br />Plumbing Inspector Ronald Whiteneck, reported progress <br />at 8408 Eastwood on plumbing and septic problems. <br />Engineer Knutson reviewed items to be considered by the Village <br />reparding sanitary sewer construction. Reported on Knollwood Storm <br />Sewer and MSAFunds available, <br />Motion by Crane to order the Groveland Water extension included <br />in the 1963 -1 project. Seconded by Malvin. 3 Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />Attorney Meyers reported the investigation of the liquor license <br />application of E. Herbst proved satisfactory. <br />Petition from a Mr. Lechtmann for relief of assessments for <br />Lot 1 Laport Meadows was referred to the Attorney and Engineer. <br />Motion by Crane to adopt Ordinance # 100 an ordinance repealing <br />Ordinance # 79 providing that the Plumbing Inspector Fees shall go <br />directly to the Village. Seconded by Hodges. 3 Ayes. Motion Carried, <br />Motion by Crane to adopt Resolution # 130 modiffting assessments <br />Division # 32112 and 31702. Seconded by Malvin. 3 Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />Motion by Crane to authorize the Attorney to send his secretary <br />to the Village Hall to compile information from records of J.P. Docket - <br />sheets for municipal court cost determination. Seconded by Malvin. <br />3 Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />The Attorney was insturcted to prepare an Ordinance to change <br />the Mounds View Village Election date fromDecember to November. <br />Motion by Malvin to pay the bills totaling $5,880.30 plus a <br />transfer of $10,000.00 from Water Utility to Water Construction Fund. <br />Seconded by Crane. (list attached) 3 Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />Motion by Crane to approve and issue licenses .(list attached) <br />Seconded by Malvin. 3 Ayes. Motion Carried. <br />Adm. Clerk Boog reported on the League of Minnesota Munidipalities <br />Convention: 1 -To aid Village Planning it was suggested to use transparent <br />overlay maps of land use, streets and utilities. 2- Improvements of Village <br />Elections it was suggested to have voting machines, permanent registration, <br />and better selection methods, higher pay, more instruction and testing of <br />election judges. 3- Deliquent utility accounts should be on seperate <br />notice forms. <br />
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