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-2- <br />030605 <br />The Engineer and Attorney were directed to furnish contracts for their <br />services to the Village. <br />The minutes of the Planning Commission were read and filed. Motion <br />by Blanchard to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and <br />give preliminary approval to the Eigenheer Addition.Plot Plan, with the <br />proposed street and water assessments to be over a one year period. <br />Seconded by LaVaque. 5 Ayes. <br />Mr. Eigenheer stated that he was in favor of the proposed street and <br />water project and the above motion. <br />Mr. Skiba reported that Glisan Realty has removed 3 water meters from <br />homes in the Village. The Council directed him to request the immediate <br />return of these meters. <br />Mr. Jackson, Civil Defense Director, informed the Council that an ad- <br />vanced First Aid course would be held on 8 continuous Thursday evenings <br />at the Alexander Ramsey High School starting Jan.22 at 7 :30 P.M. Mr. <br />Austad agreed to inform the Police Dept. about this. <br />The Clerk's office-was instructed to again contact N.S.P. regarding <br />the order for lights at the Oakwood skating rink. <br />Mr. Piehowski asked the Council's opinion on the use of electrical <br />fence around a doghouse, as requested by a resident. The Council was <br />unanimous in their objections to this and directed Mr. Piehowski to so <br />inform the resident. <br />Mr. Meyers and Mr. Knutson advised the Council that they were still <br />endeavoring to get the easements for the proposed sewer work in the <br />Village. <br />Motion by Hodges that the Clerk's office investigate the cost of a <br />public address system for the meeting hall. Seconded by Blanchard. <br />5 Ayes. <br />The Attorney advised the Council that N.S.P. was offering to abate <br />$150.00 of the contested minimum use bill and he recommended the Council's <br />acceptance of the offer. <br />Motion by Hodges to concur with the Attorney's recommendation and <br />accept the offer of N.S.P., of abating $150.00 of the contested bill and <br />to pay the corrected bill. Seconded by Sullivan. 5 Ayes. <br />The Attorney presented a proposed "snowbird" ordiiy -nce for study. <br />A memo regarding landscaping in R2 and above classifications under <br />the zoning ordinance was presented for study. <br />This was referred to the Planning Commission for their recommendation. <br />The agreement between N.S.S.S.D. and the City of Fridley was referred <br />to the Attorney. <br />A resolution rescinding certain other resolutions was presented by <br />the Attorney. Motion by Blanchard to adopt Resolution #143 entitled: <br />A RESOLUTION RESCINDING MOUNDS VIEW RESOLUTIONS NO.120, <br />NO. 124 AND NO.135 PERTAINING TO DIVISIONS 31739, 32255, <br />AND 31702. <br />