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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 1:34:01 PM
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4/12/2011 8:59:25 AM
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2 Od(JO /4 <br />:ayor Eodges requested that anyone ,. :ho , %anted to give their <br />names and state '.tether they c'erc for or against this rezoning could <br />do so. Those opposing the rezoning: <br />1..irs. C. Frye 532' 3.aymond Avenue +. oisc <br />2.iirs. J. Anderson 2125 Belle Lane Too Close <br />3. rs. Les Peterson 5323 naymond Avenue Noise, Confusion <br />4.,,r. C x ;rs. J. Anderson 2127 Bronson D_,. Devaluate Prop. <br />5. ialvir: Schuchard 53,;5 Clifton Drive Taxes go up <br />G.sirs. i(enneth La :lock 2151 Bronson Dr. Devaluate Prop. <br />7..,rs. John .ichalko 5391 Clifton. Dr. Traffic Taxes <br />3.iir. C, ::irs, D. Tschida 2143 Bronson Dr. Traffic devaluate <br />9.James Sinn 5391 Raymond Ave, Like Open spaces <br />13.:riJ.Q.i(elly 5353 Raymond Ave/ Eye sore <br />11.E. Bolander 5371 Raymond Ave/ Oppose <br />12.Jack Juspersen 535.: Clifton Dr. Oppose <br />13.Cerald ''.tiecleuitsch 5351 Raymond Ave Don't cant mess <br />14.Donalc Eggers 535 Raymond Ave. Appearance <br />15.r. C, irs. Yalstrom 5337 .%aymond Ave. trouble selling pre* <br />Those in favor of rezoning: <br />1. Robert Yaste 2345 County Road E-2 For <br />2. Laurence Toner 5295 Eigh}: ay ; For <br />3.' alter Skiba 5243 High =:ay ;'3 For <br />;.Charles Larson 7,53 Groveland For <br />iayor Hodges declared the Public Hearing closed. 'lotion by <br />Blanchard to conditionally rezone the property in question to B -3 and <br />issue a Special Use Permit after the fo11o��ing conditions are met. <br />1. The 153 foot strip on Raymond Ave. is to be rezoned to R -2. <br />2. That the building permits are purchased and construction commenced <br />on the double bungalo,+s iithin 0 days after rezoning to ► -2. <br />3. That a mutually agreeable special use permit is prepared prior to <br />the final rezoning to B -3. <br />4. That the applicants will not attack the validity of the conditional <br />rezoning hereby made. ir. Samuel Finkelstein_ and Jr. Charles <br />G. Larson verbally agreed to all of the above conditions. <br />The motion ll 'as seconded by Rustad. 5 ayes :notion carried. <br />i iotion by Blanchard to adopt Ordinance PTo.113- Licensing C, Regulating <br />Public Dance I-alls seconded by Hodges. 5 ayes motion carried. <br />iotion by La Vague to take from Recreation Funds T + :,enty -five <br />Dollars ( ,25.33) and to turn it over to Charles Jackson for recreation <br />Seconded by Rusted. 5 ayes. :lotion carried. <br />,l)tion by Blanchard to refuse the request for a secondary <br />building to house pigeons because of complaints already received <br />about the nuisance caused by pigeons. Seconded by Schott. 5 ales <br />Motion carried. <br />Instruct the Engineer to check the ventilation of Well House ,`2 <br />:lotion by Blanchard to adjourn. Seconded by Schott. 5 ayes. <br />iotion carried. <br />A:eeting adjourned at 9:43 <br />Respectfully St nmi <br />Paul E. Boog <br />Adm. Clerk <br />Village of wounds Vie,. <br />
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