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z sCi__ <br />1. That the elastics for tbe Office of Amities of the Pees <br />et the Village of Mounds View, Massey County, Minnesota, is valid. <br />2. That Charles R. Nell, Bening received the greatest <br />amber of votes for the office of Justice of the Pease of the <br />Village of Mounds Vir e, taesofy County, Minnesota, was duly <br />fleeted such officer and is entitled to a C.rtifieat. of <br />Election to tbat office, and the Clerk of the Village of Hounds <br />Visor, Mosey County, nnesota, is divested to issue mush <br />Celt i fica►t e of Election ion t o bin after the time for appeal from <br />for judgment to be entered heroin has expired, if so appeal is <br />tabs*. <br />LLT JUDGMENT 11 =TIMED aCCONDINGLI. <br />Detedt This 31st deg of <br />December, IOU. <br />Edward D. Mulaily <br />0 <br />