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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 1:57:18 PM
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4/12/2011 9:04:05 AM
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-2- <br />Motion by La Vague to grant a Five foot variance to si'e yart <br />set back requirements any' allow a five foot siAe yar- setback on the E. <br />si'e of property at 2209 Lois Drive, owner, Mr. Pasiowitz. <br />SecondeA by Ho'ges. 5 Ayes. <br />The following policy statement was maae by the Council to ai'' <br />persons builr4ng or rebuilAing in the Village. <br />The Council will not consi'er any requests for variance unAer <br />the zoning or'inance for less than a five foot yarn' setback anA will only <br />allow that variance if the neighboring structure has the proper setback. <br />The Clerk1s Office any' the Buil''ing Inspector will be notifiea of this <br />action any sai.4 notice will be poste' on the Village Hall Bulletin Boar. <br />for the next few months. <br />Motion by HoAges to hire Myron Hanson, 7767 Grovelan' Roa' as <br />part time Recreation 10 partment employee at a salary of $1.50 per hour. <br />Seconde. by La Vaque, 5 Ayes. <br />The Mayor reporteA the following: <br />1. Two resirents in the 'isaster area are still at o -M$ <br />with their Insurance Companies. (Ref. to Attorney) <br />2. Eight homes are un'er construction in the Lois -Knoll <br />area. <br />3. A phonQ call from Rep._Karth's office informer' the <br />Council thet the OFFICE OF EMERGENCY PLANNING appli- <br />cation was approve' an' the village shoulA receive <br />75% of the money within the week. <br />Village Engineer Comstock presentees several change or'ers for <br />Council action. <br />Motion by Blanchar4 to approve Change C r -'er # 3 on Project <br />1964 -1, ScheAule A an- authorize Mayor am Clerk to execute. <br />SeconAe A by RustaA. 5 Ayes. <br />Motion by Ho '4ges to approve Change OrAer #4 on Project 1964 -1 <br />Scheaule A am authorize Mayor an-' Clerk to execute. Secon4ea by <br />RustaA. 5 Ayes. <br />Motion by Blancharr to approve Change Gr4er #3 on Project 1964 -1 <br />Scheaule B an'4 authorize Mayor anA Clerk to execute. SeconAea by La Vaque. <br />5 Ayes. <br />Motion by Malvin to approve Change Or'er #3 on Pro3 ct 1964 -1 <br />Sche'ule C anA authorize Mayor anA Clerk to execute. SeconaeA by <br />Rusta '4. 5 Ayes. <br />Motion by La Vaque to approve Change Or ,ler # 1 on Project 1964 -2 <br />anA authorize Mayor an'4 Clerk to execute. Secon '4eA by Blanchar4. 5 Ayes. <br />
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