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Motion by Rustad to order improvement except that portioh on <br />County Rcad J between Groveland and Red ')ak. Seconded by Malvin. <br />5 ayes. <br />Motion by Malvin to roder final plans and specs from Engineer <br />and prepare advertisement for bids. Seconded by Lang. <br />5 ayes. <br />The Engineer reported that they are preparing bids for roads and <br />surface water drainage. <br />The Attorney informed the Council that he wrote to 0.E.P. for <br />additional funds to complete our project. <br />Motion by Rustad to concur with the Building Inspectors recom- <br />mendation and approve building permit for Mr. E. Dropps. Seconded by <br />Malvin. 5 ayes. <br />The Attorney was directed to prepare an amendment to the zoning <br />ordinance for the above property, <br />Motion by Blanchard to approve licenses submitted, Seconded by <br />Lang. 5 ayes. <br />Motion by Blanchard to pay bills as follows: <br />General Fund $2,491.68 Sewer Fund $35,791.37 <br />Water Fund 697.43 Dasaster 4,531.90 <br />Motion to make final payment to Ncdland 0 nstruction for <br />Sewer Project 1964.3 and entered into maintenance bond agreement. <br />Action was taken at Engineer's reccommendation. Seconded by Jchnson. <br />5 ayes. <br />Mc tion by Blanchard to appoint Jc anne La Casse as Deputy Clerk <br />at a monthly salary of $425.00 effective February 1, 1966. <br />Seconded by Rustad. 5 ayes. <br />Motion by Blanchard to adjourn. Seconded by Malvin. <br />5 ayes. <br />Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />i <br />.=;71:17 AreLed/r <br />Lloyd J. Blanchard <br />Village Clerk <br />