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Mr. Perin suggested a NEW plan "C" which would also service homes along Highway 410. <br />Attorney Meyers commented on refusal of the street easement requested of the school <br />district. Attorney Meyers suggested consideration of the plan "C" and said it <br />could be incorporated into the already scheduled hearing. <br />M /SIP (Malvin /Johnson)• to amend the July 24, 1967 hearing scheduled to include <br />properties along Highway #10 from Christiansen to Thomson properties. 4 Ayes <br />M /S /P (Lang /Malvin)- to direct the Engineer to prepare preliminary plans for the <br />third plan for improvements. 4 Ayes <br />Mr. Eigenheer's request for variance (7 foot form lot line) was discussed. <br />M /S /P (Lang /Johnson)- to approve the Eigenheer variance. 4 Ayes <br />Mr. Herbst of the Mermaid requested the Council hold a special election on Sunday <br />liquor. <br />MIS /P (Lang /Johnson)• to direct the Clerk to prepare for an election on Sunday liquor <br />to be held on the second Tuesday of August (Aug. 8th), 1967 from 12:00 noon to <br />8.00 <br />P.M. <br />MIS /P (Walser /Malvin)- to adjourn at 10:20 P.M. 4 Ayes <br />