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- 3 - <br />At the Mayors request, the attorney read the list of 38 permitted <br />uses plus special uses that could be located on the property if it <br />were rezoned and the B2 uses that could apply. <br />Trustee Malvin stated that he opposes the rezoning. <br />Trustee Lang commented on the rezoning being somewhat in line with <br />the Planning Commissions general approach to Highway 410 property. <br />Additional discussion followed. <br />M /S /P (Rustad /Lang) To deny the rezoning. <br />Tuncil Polled: Lang -Aye, Malvin -Aye, Rustad -Aye, Walser, Aye. <br />Trustee Malvin read the B & E report for August and the Police <br />Report for August. <br />Trustee Malvin reported on the trip to Chicago to present the <br />hlication for the Federal Sewer grant. Approval possibility <br />gooks good at this time. <br />Trustee Malvin mentioned that additional efforts are being made <br />to get traffic controls on Highway 410. Senator Greig and <br />newspapers are involved. <br />Attorney Meyers reported that Senator Greig and highway officials <br />have met and discussed the problem, and they have agreed to install <br />lights at County Rd. H and Highway #10. Bids will be let in <br />December and construction completed in May. <br />The attorney reported that the special assessment agreement has <br />been signed by Mr. Dropps. <br />M /S /P (Rustad /Malvin) To enter into an agreement with Twin City <br />'ederal, Mr. Dropps and Mr. Goodroad regarding the assessments <br />on their properties. 4 Ayes <br />M /S /P (Rustad /Lang) To enter into an agreement with Mr. Dropps a^' <br />Mr. Goodroad regarding the assessments on their properties. 4 Ayes <br />The Council will meet with the Union representatives of the <br />maintenance employees at 7:00 P.M. on September 18. <br />M/S/P (Lang/Malvin) To grant final (previous tentative approval) <br />approval of the Goodroad lot split request. 4 Ayes <br />Engineer Boehm reminded the Council that assessment roles have not <br />been prepared on the Spring View Lane and Section 17 projects. <br />