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- 4 - <br />to work eight hour days for the first days of each month to prepare monthly <br />police reports,and to work regular (not less than) four hour days otherwise, <br />and be on call to the Police Department at all times for assistance to the <br />Police Department in the apprehension of females. Salary shall remain at <br />previously agreed level of $2,55 per hour. 5 Ayes <br />Announced that the Office is currently interviewing for a part time position <br />of clerk typist for afternoons. <br />M /S /P (Walser /Lang) To appoint Mr. Dennis Zylla as Deputy Clerk for 1968 and to <br />serve in this separate additional capacity at a salary of $25.00 per month. 5 Ayes <br />Trustee Malvin read the December Police report. <br />Trustee Malvin read the year summary police report and submitted these reports <br />for office files. <br />Trustee Malvin read the B & E Patrol report for December and submitted the <br />report. <br />Mr. Skiba reported that the electric motor at lift station #3 burned up and was <br />repaired in 48 hours. Also reporte&that a truck backed intb the lift station <br />on Raymond. The Insurance claim was discussed. Attorney Meyers advised we <br />were covered. Mr. Zylla questioned whether it is in the policy. One air <br />compressor in filteration plant and check valve needed for repaire. <br />Attorney Report <br />Commented on Gloria Circle agreement with Spring Lake Iark for sewer service. <br />Commented and read letters on agreement with Fridley on sewer connections <br />indicating that all is in order for Mounds View residents to connect to Fridley <br />lines. <br />M /S /1' (Rustad /Walser) To approve Resolution #359 appointing Perry Malvin <br />the PT.S.S.S.D. representative. 5 Eyes <br />tai /S /1 (Malvin /Johnson) To approve Resolution #360. That County Road H2 from <br />T.H. 10 to T.H. 8 shall revert back to the Village of Mounds View December 31, <br />1967 and no longer be a state -aid highway. 5 Ayes <br />M /S /r (Rustad /Malvin) To approve Resolution #361 to withdraw its request to have <br />its books and records examined by the Minnesota Public Examiner's Office. 5 Ayes <br />Engineer's Report <br />HUD trip - Additional information needed on application. Application now <br />completed and further progress can now be realized.. <br />Work is scheduled to begin April 29 on the semafores to be constructed at the <br />intersection of Highway #10 and County Road H. <br />Eigenheer's Second Addition water and sewer service is very near completion. <br />