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- 2 - <br />A resident spoke complaining about the dog problem in his neighborhood. <br />Another resident reported refusal of the dog catcher to come out on a <br />weekend and on another occasion failed to respond at all. <br />The Metropolitan Airports Commission proposal for an airport North of the <br />Village was brought up by Mayor Rustad. A hearing at 10:00 A.M. on <br />April 22, at the commission office will be held to discuss these plans. <br />Jerry Blanchard spoke on the problem. He feels it should be even further <br />out than either proposed site. <br />Mrs. Forslund questioned laws in other areas regarding zoning near airports. <br />Bob Eickstadt spoke referring to the problem as described in the St. Paul <br />paper. <br />Clerk Walser spoke against both proposed sites and referred to several <br />newspaper articles quoting traffic figures and height of aircraft over <br />Mounds View. <br />Councilman Lang spoke about future aircraft causing even worse problems. <br />Mr. Werner spoke against the sites. He feels it is not realistic to <br />locate this close in. <br />Mayor Rustad opened the hearing on E. Dropps rezoning. <br />The notice was read: N 250' of Lots 11 and 12 Knollwood Park Addition. <br />Rezone from R1A to R3. <br />Mr. Dropps spoke and described the proposal and spoke in favor of it <br />and the logical nature of it. <br />A resident questioned the land locked nature of part of the area as a <br />result of this action. <br />Another resident mentioned the need for a road. <br />Both previous speakers would favor rezoning if their property were included <br />and a road would be put in. <br />The proposed road routing was discussed. <br />The rest of the problem will be taken care of at a later hearing. <br />A petition was presented by Mrs. Perry objecting to the rezoning with <br />10 names (3 of 10 fee owners notified) objecting to apartments at this <br />location. <br />The Clerk attested to publication of notice and sending of notices. <br />