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- 3 - <br />The Attorney was requested to draw up a tentative draft of an ordinance <br />controlling excavation. <br />Mr. Hodges reported on fill for parks and requested that we consider putting <br />tile in ditches in the parks before the NSSSD work is restored. <br />Engineer Boehm will prepare estimates. <br />Attorney Meyers reported on court cases. The Flink property along Arden Avenue <br />comes to court on April 16. <br />The Watson Construction appeal will come to court soon. <br />Trustee Malvin will request that members of Spring Lake Park Lutheran Church <br />attend the agenda meeting next Monday night to discuss their Arden Avenue request. <br />Engineer Boehm discussed the HUD letter which indicates they will go along with <br />two separate bid lettings to permit test drilling first. <br />Engineer Boehm read a letter reporting on the Bona Road to Edgewood Drive <br />walkway surfacing. It will cost approximately $600.00 and can be included <br />with a surfacing contract to be let in the Eigenheer Addition. <br />Engineer Boehm reported on the R. Lund lot split. The 30' strip for future <br />road meets our requirements as it is drawn. <br />M /S /P (Rustad /Malvin) To approve the R. Lund lot split subject to granting <br />of easement. <br />M /S /P (Rustad /Walser) To confirm double patrol time for B & E during April <br />and May and fees of $300.00 per month instead of $150.00. <br />Mayor Rustad commented on the trying times. The President retiring, the death <br />of a great man, Mr. King. Only good news is the hope of peace in Vietnam. <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />M /S /P (Malvin /Lag) To adjourn at 9:05 P.M. 5 Ayes <br />Sincerely, <br />Robert A. Walser, <br />Village Clerk <br />