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- 3 - <br />thence South along the East line of said Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 a <br />distance of 95.14 feet to the point of beginning, except the East 33 feet <br />thereof taken for road purposes. Generally located on the Southwest corner <br />of Trunk Highway # 10 and Long Lake Road. I -1 to B -3 Special Use. (Mobile home sales) <br />The notice was read and the Clerk attested to notices sent. Stan Peickert of <br />Par Ex homes presented the layout and described the proposed development. <br />P. H. Carr, attorney representing Emeny Realty, objected on basis of effect <br />to the adjacent surrounding property. He indicates that all adjoining property <br />owners except Phillips 66 were contacted and objected. Ray Flader, attorney <br />representing O'Neil property across Long Lake Road, objects on basis of effect <br />to their land and proposed use thereof. Objecting letter from Mr. Nilva was <br />read, property west of Long Lake Road onrnorth side of TH #10. Mr. Peickert <br />commented on the objections raised. He stated that traffic would be light; <br />that adjacent property will also have to be rezoned; that the use is rather <br />temporary (if use permit was renewed yearly) and could be used for other things <br />later when other (like shopping center) development occurs. The property would <br />be attractively developed now! Mr. Minar discussed his plans for use of the <br />adjacent land and his objections to mobile home sales use. Mayor Rustad called <br />for objections 3 times - None! <br />Hearing closed at 9:25 P.M. <br />The Council commented in opposition on basis of negligible increase in accessed <br />valuation. <br />M /S /P (Malvin /Johnson) To reject rezoning. <br />Johnson - Aye <br />Lang - Aye <br />Malvin - Aye Walser - Aye <br />Rustad - Aye <br />Mayor Rustad thanked the Par Ex presenter. <br />Trustee Lang stated that street sweeping has been completed. The bill was a <br />little over $1,500. He also commented on the Launching Pad problem with <br />unfinished land. The office was directed to send a second letter and copy of <br />nuisance ordinance to the Launching Pad but Mr. Skiba will see him personally <br />and suggest seeding with oats first. <br />Wally Skiba suggested the Council meet with Eigenheer and declare water <br />availability to control the $100 late fee handling - will be considered <br />after final acceptance of water project. <br />The walkway from Erickson to Adams was discussed. The easement will be checked. <br />Civil Defense reported they have members attending a "light rescue" school. <br />Attorney Meyers requested legals on all conditionally rezoned property. <br />The Lametti case comes to trial on May 21, 1968. <br />Howard Larson's lot split - George Gustafson indicated that new owner will pay <br />all assessments due in cash. <br />The Council can be covered by workmans compensation when on Village business <br />if Council action is taken. Office will check on cost. <br />