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Mayor Rustad stated he has received a call from J & W Pick Up, rubbish haulers, <br />in which they said that rubbish haulers are soon going to ask to have garbage <br />cans put at the curb. Council policy will be to deny request. Attorney to <br />amend ordinance. <br />Clerk - Administrator Zylla's Report <br />MSP ( Blanchard /Rustad) To approve the following licenses - Cigarette - <br />Hilary's Standard, Bob's Gulf, Mounds View Pure Oil, Tom Thumb Superette <br />#110, Bob's 66 Service, Simon's Liquor Store, Inc. and Simon's Food <br />Market; Excavating - Allstate Plumbing Company; Gasoline - Hilary's <br />Standard, Bob's Gulf, Mounds View Pure Oil, and Bob's 66 Service; Off -Sale <br />Non - Intoxicating Liquor - Simon's Food Market and Tom Thumb Superette #110. 3 Ayes <br />MSP (Rustad /Blanchard) To approve general checks # 2976 - 3027, payroll <br />checks # 617 - 645 and bond checks # 1097 - 1100. 3 Ayes <br />Clerk Zylla read a letter from Aamot Well Company dated 12/23/68 in which <br />adverse weather conditions were mentioned. Council accepted the letter but <br />stated failltre to complete the project on schedule could be questionable. <br />MSP (Blanchard‘Hodges) To accept financial statement for year ended 12/31/68. 3 Ayes <br />Clerk Zylla mentioned that the village gas pump in the first year of operation <br />has realized savings after initial hook -up of $1,300.00. <br />Attorney Meyers' Report <br />Attorney discussed restrictive covenants and how the village is unaware of <br />such covenants. Council feels that it is a personal matter. Situation <br />resulted from request to have R -1 zoning removed from Sunnyside duplexes. <br />Attorney investigating regulations regarding snowmobiles. Anti - screech <br />ordinance ready but held until 4/5s members present. <br />Engineer Boehm's Report <br />Engineer sees no reason why easements, requested by J.J. Strangis, could not <br />be vacated. <br />On Aamot Well Drilling: Now 2nd pumping Well #1. Screen on #2. Ready to <br />move to site #4. Aamot going to double shifts. <br />Engineer Boehm stated some easements for test wells and mains have not yet <br />been acquired by easement and time requires consideration be given to ordering <br />their condemnation. <br />MSP (Blanchard /Rustad) To authorize the attorney to take steps to begin <br />condemnation proceedings where necessary to procure the needed easements. 3 Ayes <br />Attorney Meyers stated he has met with owners of Watson Construction Company <br />regarding possible water and sewer service under new ST. H. 10 in the future. <br />Council decision to wait until plans are presented by Highway Department. <br />