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or in cooperation with other municipalities in the District, to make its own evaluation <br />of the Minneapolis offer. <br />I would like to say a word about the possibility of a Metropolitan <br />Sewer Plan. You are all aware, I am sure, that the 1969 Legislature will consider <br />some type of Metropolitan sewage disposal plan. Although you will hear many pros and <br />cons regarding such a plan it is our feeling that there is only two considerations of <br />importance to be kept in mind: <br />1. That the sewage disposal needs for our area are taken care of <br />2. That the Costs of disposal are no more than or in fact less <br />than the costs of disposal now proposed by our District. <br />If these two criteria can be met, and the Legislature feels that <br />a Metropolitan Sewer District is desirable for any number of reasons, and if we can <br />find no other objections, then the Legislature will have our support in such a proposal. <br />