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- 3 - <br />MSP (Rustad /Malvin) To approve the following bills: General Check #'s <br />4109 -4137 and Payroll Check #'s 1419 -1444. Total disbursements $9,389.45. <br />Also included was a transfer check #4131, To Bond Redemption from Water <br />Utility, Sewer Utility and Revolving Fund to reduce the 1970 bond levy. <br />MSP (Blanchard /Malvin) To accept the resignation of Robert Hodges as <br />custodian and to authorize Clerk- Administrator Zylla to advertise for a <br />new custodian. <br />MSP (Blanchard /Hodges) To approve Resolution #479 authorizing Ramsey County <br />to post the payment in full of the assessments for Lot 6 Block 3 Gustafson's <br />Third Addition and to abate the 1969 installment payable in 1970. <br />MSP (Malvin /Blanchard) To authorize the opening of a separate bank account <br />for Mounds View Improvement Project 1968 -3 WS- MINN -45. <br />MSP (Rustad /Malvin) To authorize the Mayor to sign all necessary papers <br />in order to obtain HUD monies for Project 1968 -3. <br />Councilman Malvin's Report <br />Councilman Malvin stated that he had a request for a street light at Knollwood <br />and County Road I, but that he would check further to make sure that that was <br />the proper intersection that was requested. <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />5 Ayes <br />MSP (Malvin /Hodges) To authorize Attorney Meyers to check into all necessary <br />areas to see what can be obtained in order to assist the Council in a decision <br />on the Schnuerle - Miller mobile home park request, hearing to be held on May llth. 5 Ayes <br />Councilman Hodges' Report <br />Councilman Hodges presented a Brauer park study contract for Mayor and Clerk - <br />Administrator Zylia's signatures. <br />Councilman Hodges also announced that there would be a Recreation Meeting <br />April 28th at 7:30 P.M. <br />Councilman Blanchard's Report <br />MSP (Blanchard /Rustad) To authorize the installation of a street light at the <br />intersection of Greenwood Drive and Woodale Drive. <br />Councilman Neisen's Report <br />Councilman Neisen inquired as to the possibility of including the Edgewood <br />walkway in a resurfacing contract this summer. The Council was agreeable <br />that it could be done though they questioned whether the walkway would in <br />fact be used instead of the present path that has now been cut through the <br />yard at 5091 Edgewood. <br />Charles Jackson reported that the Civil Defense truck should be removed from <br />the maintenance building by this week. He also stated that he would like to be <br />notified of any changes that take place in the maintenance building affecting <br />the Civil Defense Department. <br />5 Ayes <br />