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- 4 - <br />The regular meeting resumed. <br />MSP (Rustad /Neisen) To approve the preliminary plat for Theodore Holsten with <br />no variances to be allowed for property located at approximately 8364 Eastwood <br />Road. Property to be divided into seven lots. Legal description - N 324' of <br />S 2430' of the E 528' of W 1584' of NE 1/4 of Sec. 6. <br />Engineer Boehm's Report <br />Recommendation by Engineer Boehm to eliminate lift station number 5 serving the <br />Pinewood area and property north of Hillview Road. With the sewer line completed <br />the lift station could be eliminated at a cost of an estimated $20,000 for <br />conversion into the sewer line. Elimination of the lift station would remove <br />costly maintenance and upkeep expenses. The money situation presents a problem. <br />It was suggested to look into the revolving fund to see what monies were available. <br />MSP (Rustad /Malvin) To instruct the Engineer to prepare a comprehensive sewer <br />study for the Metropolitan Sewer Board in accordance with the Metropolitan Sewer <br />Act. <br />4 Ayes <br />4 Ayes <br />MSP (Rustad /Malvin) To adopt a resolution to approve final plans and specifications <br />for Street Improvement 1970 -1 and Municipal State Aid Improvement 1970 -3 (A <br />continuation of San. Sewer Improvement Projects 1969 -3 & 4) and to set a bid <br />date for noon July 13, 1970. <br />The Council took a preliminary look at pre -cut homes shown by Alvin Hillsdale. <br />Discussion ensued that the ordinance may have to be changed to include modular <br />and pre -cut type homes. Problems may arise with inspection of materials that <br />have already been built into the homes. <br />MSP (Blanchard /Malvin) To adjourn at 8:50 P.M. 4 Ayes <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />Dorothy andgren, <br />Clerk- Typist <br />