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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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MSP (Hodges /Johnson) To approve Resolution #548 abating assessments relative <br />to Division #44022, total abatement $288.90. 3 Ayes <br />The Council decided to take no action on the request of the Mounds View Lions <br />Club to conduct Bingo until a formal application is submitted. <br />MSP (Neisen /Hodges) To advertise for bids for the 1953 Dodge dump truck and <br />the 1957 Chevrolet 172 ton truck for December 13th at 12 Noon. 3 Ayes <br />Councilman Hodges" Report <br />Councilman Hodges stated that the Recreation Committee would be meeting on <br />Wednesday, November 17th at 7:00 P.M. <br />Councilman Johnsonts Report <br />Councilman Johnson read the Planning Commission minutes of October 19th. <br />Robert Guzy, attorney representing Martin Oil Company, made a presentation on <br />behalf of Martin Oil for the benefit of the Council. Mr. Guzy stated that it <br />was the intention of Martin Oil to demolish all existing structures on the <br />property and to construct a service station which permitted gasoline sales only. <br />He stated that the Planning Commission did recommend approval on October 19th. <br />Mr. Guzy was asked questions on possible drainage problems. It appeared that <br />no additional drainage problems would be created by the construction of the <br />station and its blacktop surfaces. <br />MSP (Johnson /Hodges) To approve the issuance of a special use permit to Martin <br />Oil Service Inc. subject to the inclusion of a buffer behind the station building <br />and subject to a start date of at least April 15th on that part of Lot 32 Auditors <br />Subdivision #89 commencing at a point on the west line of Lot 50 which point is <br />100 feet south of the northwest corner of said Lot 50; thence south to a line <br />100 feet northeasterly from and parallel with the southerly line of Lot 32 <br />thence northwesterly on said parallel line 32 feet; thence northeasterly to <br />a point of beginning, according to the plat thereof recorded on file. Also <br />Lot 50 except that part which lies southwesterly of a line run parallel with <br />and distant 100 feet northeasterly of the southwesterly boundary of said Lot 50. <br />Also except that part described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner <br />of said Lot 50; thence east seven feet along the north said line of Lot 50; <br />thence southerly 100 feet to a point of intersection on the west line of said <br />Lot 50; thence north along said west line of said Lot 50 to the point of <br />commencement in Auditors Subdivision #89. <br />Richard Brama of the Bryant Franklin Corporation appeared to request a partial <br />occupancy of his 90 unit building located at 5445 Jackson Drive subject to the <br />approval of the Fire Chief, Electrical Inspector and the Building Inspector. <br />The Council decided that there would be no occupancy until the 30 foot easement <br />had been granted by Mr. Babinski and until the question of the square footage <br />requirement had been satisfied. Mr. Brama had previously included the easement <br />area in the computation of his square footage requirements and since this area <br />was excluded from the Village computation his plot plan on which was situated <br />the 90 unit building was 21,000 feet short of the necessary square footage. It <br />was left up to Mr, Brama to present the Council with an acceptable solution. <br />MSP (Johnson /Neisen) To acknowledge the Planning Commission action, to negate <br />it, and to request Mr. Brama to come up with an acceptable solution to the <br />problem by November 15th or the Council will be given to consideration of <br />ceasing construction by action on November 22nd. <br />3 Ayes <br />3 Ayes <br />
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