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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 3:13:51 PM
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4/12/2011 9:29:07 AM
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-6- <br />The resident living across the street from the two homes in question wondered <br />why they had water in the basement and he didn't. He wondered if the ditch <br />wasn't doing the job or if the house could be standing on a spring. <br />Raymond Ledo, 2375 Sherwood Road said he built in 1965. Water table high <br />at that time was at three feet. He put fill on his land and the others should <br />have done this also. <br />Mayor Neisen commented that when those houses were built the footings were dry. <br />A resident suggested capping the catch basin at Greenwood Drive and Sherwood <br />Road to see if it was doing any good. <br />The attorney stated that the insurance company wouldn't pay for any damages <br />that might result. <br />Tom Dougherty of 2109 Laport Drive questioned who would pay the damages if the <br />catch basin were capped. <br />Robert Glazer questioned if a die could be put in the water to see where it <br />runs. <br />Engineer Bearden said it could be defined. <br />Reinhold Markfelt, 2410 Ardan Avenue questioned where the water ultimately <br />ended up. Engineer Bearden replied it went into a pipe on the east side of <br />Long Lake Road, then north to Ardan Avenue and eventually goes up to the <br />highway and runs along new Highway #10 and into the judicial ditch. <br />Councilman Hodges noted that the water was ponding behind Long Lake Road <br />and should be eliminated. He thinks they need to do more research on the <br />problem. <br />Councilman Pickar asked if the code requires taring of the outside basement <br />walls. A resident stated that government loans require it, but not conventional <br />loans. <br />Mayor Neisen informed the audience that they would be notified of any additional <br />developments in connection with drainage problems. <br />MSP (Johnson- Hodges) To recess the Drainage Information Hearing at 9:50 P.M. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Pickar- Hodges) To approve the subdivision of Lot 96, Knollwood Park <br />Addition into 2 lots, one 155' x 126', and one 135' x 126' with a 25' <br />easement on the south. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Neisen- Hodges) To approve the subdivision of Unplatted Lands N 90' of <br />S 162° of E 528' of W 1056' of NE 1/4 (subj to road) In Section 6, Township <br />30, Range 23 into two lots. One 90' x 240' and one 90° x 288', subject to <br />the payment or certification of $2,044.50 in additional assessments which <br />were deferred in 1971. 5 Ayes <br />MSP (Baumgartner- Johnson) To direct the attorney to prepare an amendment to <br />the Special Use Permit for Century Motor Freight to change the name of the <br />firm to Century- Mercury Motor Freight and also permission to erect a 32' x <br />
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