to make a temporary solution now and a permanent solution this Fall. The
<br />discussion was tabled with the Mayor directing the Administrator to contact
<br />Mr. Harstad to find out whether he will make a temporary solution.
<br />Mayor Neisen's Report
<br />MSP (Neisen- Johnson) To accept with regret the resignation of Dennis Zylia as
<br />Clerk - Administrator from the City effective July 1, 1974; that he be asked to
<br />serve as much as possible during the interim of July 1 and the hiring of a new
<br />Administrator, and to authorize the advertisement for his replacement.
<br />Administrator Zylla's Report
<br />MSP (Hodges- Johnson) To approve the licenses: General Contractor - Gilbert
<br />Construction Co., G & K Builders, Metropolitan Fence; Asphalt - Fairfax Asphalt,
<br />Inc.; Cabaret License - Donatelle's Supper Club, Launching Pad Supper Club,
<br />Mermaid Cocktail Lounge; Dance - Bel -Rae. Ballroom; Heating & A.C. - C.O. Carlson
<br />Air Conditioning Co., Fred Vogt & Co., J. D. Refrigeration, Water Plumbing Co.;
<br />Masonry - Floyd A. Schluter Masonry, Inc.; Restaurant - Mounds View Enterprises,
<br />Inc. (Country Kitchen), Launching Pad Supper Club, Donatelle's Supper Club,
<br />Mermaid Cocktail Lounge, Inc., Anchor Inn Restaurant; Residential Kennel - Susan
<br />K. Nordstrom; Off -Sale Intox. Liquor - Simon's Liuqor, Inc., Donatelle, Inc.,
<br />Mermaid Cocktail Lounge, Inc:, B & R Liquor; On -Sale Intox. Liquor - Mermaid
<br />Cocktail Lounge, Inc., Anchor Inn Restaurant; Set -Up - Bel -Rae Ballroom; Sunday
<br />Intox. On Sale - Donatelle, Inc., Anchor Inn Restaurant, Mermaid Cocktail Lounge,
<br />Inc., Launching Pad Supper Club.
<br />MSP (Hodges- Baumgartner) To approve the bills: General Fund checks No. 8557
<br />through #8610, Payroll Account checks 41090 through #1091, Payroll checks #1061
<br />through #1093, and transfer check #8611 transferring $12,283.64 to the Payroll
<br />Account to pay gross pay of 5/30/74. From General - $9,849.20, from Water -
<br />$1,175.44, from Sewer - $1,259.00. Total disbursements - $26,997.21.
<br />MSP (Neisen- Hodges) Based on the conversation between Mr. Douglas Wallace, 2317
<br />Sherwood Road and the Administrator, to deny the drainage improvement in the
<br />area between Sherwood Road and Laport Drive west of Jackson Drive, (original
<br />hearing held on October 9, 1973, and tabled by the Council pending examination
<br />of the drainage area this Spring), and notifying those who have received copies
<br />of the legal notice of hearing that the project will not be ordered.
<br />4 Ayes
<br />4 Ayes
<br />4 Ayes
<br />4 Ayes'
<br />MSP (Neisen - Baumgartner) Receiving the recommendation of the police chief that
<br />the parking signs on Groberg Street between Jackson Drive and Adams Street not
<br />be changed to permit 24 -hour parking, sending a copy of the chief's recommendation
<br />to Mr. Robert Case who appeared at the last Council meeting. 4 Ayes
<br />MSP (Neisen - Hodges) To approve the subdivision request of Blanche Abbott, 8270
<br />Spring Lake Road to subdivide Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision #89 except the north
<br />100 feet of the east 200 feet into three lots as petitioned. 4 Ayes
<br />Administrator Zylla announced that Senator John Milton will be meeting with any
<br />interested citizens on Monday, June 10th at the City Hall from 7:15 to 8:00 P.M.
<br />