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MNHistoricalSocietyFiles (CC Minutes page-by-page 1958-1981)
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4/12/2011 3:43:50 PM
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4/12/2011 9:41:45 AM
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Page 3 <br />December 9, 1974 <br />Donald Sohm, 8206 Groveland, stated that he wishes to sell the east lot for <br />development and that to do so he wishes to use an easement north for his <br />east lot to Ardan Avenue rather than an easement east through the new lot <br />to Groveland. He stated that he is willing to maintain the easement right - <br />of -way himself. <br />Attorney Meyers stated that it is possible to make a legal agreement in <br />which the owner states this promise, but that it is difficult to assure that <br />future owners will be aware of and subscribe to such an agreement. <br />Mr. Mike White, 5237 Sunnyside Road, stated that he was the prospective <br />buyer of the new east lot and that his purchase of it is contingent upon <br />release of the 15 foot easement on the south side of that lot. The council <br />discussed the problem further noting that the minutes approving the sub- <br />division did not fully implement the Planning Commission's recommendation, <br />specifically the 30 foot street easement on the west side of the west lot <br />and the five foot utility easement on the common border of both lots. <br />Mayor Neisen stated that the city should be sure to require either the <br />30 foot easement or, if the council chooses not to allow access to Ardan, <br />a 15 foot easement on the south side of the new east lot. <br />Barbara Haake, 3024 County Road I, recommended that the council require the <br />latter. <br />MSP (Johnson- Baumgartner) To order the clerk not to sign the deed, to rescind <br />council approval of the subdivision and to return the subdivision request to <br />the Planning Commission for their recommendation. <br />Roll Call 5 Ayes <br />Mayor Neisen told the owner that this matter will be considered by the Plan- <br />ning Commission at its regular December 18th meeting and that the council will <br />have the Planning Commission recommendation by the December 23rd regular <br />meeting. He noted that there is also a problem of assessments on the sub- <br />division. <br />Councilman Hodges' Report <br />Councilman Hodges reported on a civil defense meeting conducted by Ramsey <br />County regarding common orgainization of municipal civil defense units with <br />the County. <br />Councilman Johnson's Report <br />Councilman Johnson stated that he plans to attend the Ramsey County League <br />dinner on January 11. <br />Mayor Neisen stated that he felt it is important that at least one Mounds <br />View councilman attend the Ramsey County League meetings and suggested that <br />a new representative be selected. <br />Councilman Johnson asked the administrator to be sure the construction of <br />the new used car lot on 8154 Highway #10 meets the approval of the building <br />inspector. <br />
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