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Page 11 <br />April 28, 1975 <br />fails to do so, and to bill the owner if this occurs; 2) solving the receiving <br />area problem located on the south end of the building currently containing boxes <br />and debris (some other storage area is to be designed and incorporated to alleviate <br />the problem); and 3) in conjunction with the city administrator development of <br />alternative treatment to the trash area and, if no alternative treatment can be <br />found, the city will accept the plan, however, Council prefers something more <br />aesthetically appealing than the cyclone fence. <br />Nancy Burmeister, Mounds View Planning Commission, said the Planning Commission <br />had requested more information on plantings. Mr. Hall said he thoughtthey <br />decided at the Planning Commission meeting to continue with planting in front <br />of the building as now exits with underground sprinkler system, greenery all year <br />long and no plantings by the highway that would block view. <br />Councilman Shelquist read the Planning Commission minutes. He said he did not <br />recall specific recommendations on plantings but there was a question raised on <br />decibel limits by Mr. Glazer. However, at present the city has no ordinance on <br />noise. The new zoning ordinance will carry a section on this in accordance with the <br />State Polution Control Agency. <br />MSP (Johnson- Hodges) to amend the motion to include the requirement that the <br />green area around the building be appropriately landscaped. 5 Ayes. <br />Mr. Hall said that the landscaping was his intention and it would be carried out. <br />Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Hall if he agreed with all of the items in the motion. <br />Mr. Hall said the only thing he objected to was the sod, which would be expensive. <br />He would rather seed and let grass come in. He said he would like to plant rye <br />or something comparable. He said his water bill was already $700 every three <br />months and he could not afford to maintain sod by County Road H. Engineer <br />Bearden said something growing would be required. The worst problem with <br />erosion will be south of the weir and south of the edge of the parking lot after <br />it leaves the weir so something will have to be grown there. <br />Mayor Johnson proposed that Mr. Hall sod it and throw in some black dirt for top- <br />soil and make it a nice area and get the sand settled. This is an asset that <br />will benefit the Mermaid. Mr. Hall said if it was absolutely necessary he would <br />do it but to have to sod and water all that area when he did not get any break <br />on his water bill seemed unfair. <br />Mayor Johnson asked Engineer Bearden what alternative there might be. Engineer <br />Bearden said there were several grasses available that would grow well with some <br />top soil added to support it, especially in the areas where erosion would occur. <br />Mayor Johnson asked Engineer Bearden if the plan said sod. Engineer Bearden said <br />it did say sod. <br />Mayor Johnson asked that the plan be changed to state "provide topsoil and seed <br />and sodding only in high erosion area with the total area covered and seeded." <br />MSP (Johnson- Baumgartner) to postpone indefinitely the public hearing on rezoning <br />of property for the Launching Pad Supper Club as requested by their representative <br />Mr. Palais. <br />Mr. Ery Herbst appeared before the Council stating that he has a signed letter of <br />intent from Perkins Cake & Steak House to build on the north part of his property <br />but he needs sewer and water. He said he thought some arrangement could be worked <br />