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1996 Planning Commission Packets
Planning & Zoning Commission
Agenda Packets
1996 Planning Commission Packets
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Last modified
2/23/2012 12:29:23 PM
Creation date
2/23/2012 11:56:41 AM
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� _ � � _ , � . � � _. <br />.y� , <br />;. ,: - , .. . , <br />._�� <br />Planning Associate Pruitt expiain�d that <br />Everest Property (V�anagement is requesfir�g a <br />F'UD amendment and d�velopment revi�w to <br />expand ihe parking iot at 5251 Program <br />Aver�ue, Buildir�g G and reminded the Piac�ning <br />Commission t�at this item was disc�assed at <br />th�ir July 24, 1996, �genda me�tir�g. She � <br />con�inued by �xpiaining that tFte applicant is <br />requesting to have a n�t increase of 35 par�ing <br />stall� on �h� east side of fhe property and <br />wishes to increase the n�mber og st�lls in order <br />io meet the demand� of a fe�ant that may <br />(ocate to ihe business park which wil! bring fhe <br />fotal number of par6�ing stall� provided on the <br />site fia 50�. She noted that 4he plans indicate <br />the parkir�g spa�es located or� fihe east side of <br />fhe praperty will abui the property lin� and <br />noted that at the l�s� meeting the Plar��ing <br />Commission agreed fo aflow parking up to 4he <br />property line for this F�UD amendr�nent since a <br />iandscaping buffer is being provided wifihin fihe <br />right-of-way. it was also noted that the p�rking <br />area to the souih of ihe building wiEl be <br />restriped. She also indic�ted that �ick <br />Wriskey, Ci#y Fores�er, has requested the <br />existing trees be moved within 8 to 9 feet from <br />the curb along fhe right-of-way ar�d aiso that <br />the applicant has been advised that fhe <br />amendment wi11 require Rick Creek Wafershed <br />District approval. <br />Planr�ing Associate Pruitt �noted the <br />coniingencies coniained in Reso(�a#ior� Ncr. <br />468-96 whict� are: 1) a lar�dscaping pian be <br />submitted subje�i to apprc��ai of th� City <br />Foresfier a�d 2} approvai be given from Rice <br />Creek Watershed �istrict. <br />�Aofion/Second: �rasaemle/f�iller to approv� <br />R�s�lufii�r� �o. 4���96 �� amended <br />recrammendir�g �pprov�i �f a� amer�dment fo <br />' . - . <br />; -. <br />��_�`; <br />>i <br />; <br />
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