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Mounds ilievv Plar�ning Cemmission <br />R�guiar �e�ting <br />be as gr��t as portrayed in fihe Ciiy's ar�alysis. <br />She also explained that a r�tention area may <br />noi be required beca�ase fhey have an <br />alternative prop�s�i to use a clarificatior� di#ch <br />and ii�at our Engineering consultant is avvaiting <br />a proposaf from Stahi Construction as to how <br />they will modify fhe p�rking lot fio make this <br />proposai v�ork. Director Sheldon recommertded <br />ta f�e Planning Commissior� thafi this item b� <br />tabled at this point buf nc�ted that the applicant <br />is req�esting ti�at the Planning Commission act <br />on #he variar�ce so that ihe lay-out vf the site <br />car� be arr�nged. <br />The Planning Commissi�n inquired aboui the <br />curb cufs thai are nat irt compfi�nc�. Planning <br />Associafe Pruitfi in�Formed fhe Commissior� that <br />the app{icar�i desires io r�medy this issue and <br />come into compliar�ce with City Code. Plannir�g <br />Associate Prui�t also r�ofed iiems that need to <br />be addressed: landscaping, fir� suppression <br />system, driveway access, exits an both sides of <br />the building, revised floor pfans shov�ing one <br />siary not two, revised drainage plans for <br />approval by ihe Ciiy Engir�eer ar�d submiftal of <br />an application for a wetiand aiteration permi4. <br />ihe app�icant, Biil Diem, axpiained tha� he is in <br />favor af temporarily tabling �his item due to the <br />fact th�f the main office 'For the New Apostoiic <br />Church is Iocated in Pennsyivania �nd tha4 it <br />may take some additional iirr�e to gef all the <br />items required. <br />Lyle �eilis, 2�7i Couniy R�ad H, ir�quired <br />wrheiher or not �h� proposed b�ilding would be <br />a mu[ti-person r�siden�e. �r. Diem respo�ded <br />thafi there wo�aEd be no residence �n �ifie. �r'. <br />Bellis also asked if � traific study h�d been <br />don� because �� f�ff this proposa# w���d <br />inc��as� traf�ic flow. Mr. Di�m indicated fhai <br />� . -••, <br />w ' i <br />�,�" <br />1 <br />