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--- <br />Apr^-i7.-97 O9o57/� Hawav°d Sh�ldon <br />:F'�:-lu-'�" T�iU l� 5� �FF <br />Patz� �heldon <br />°�'� 10 AC�S� <br />� <br />1-734-779-66Y2 <br />�r.; rl��. ��. �a�4���, <br />.. . ��t ► *� _ <br />ihe �roposed projcct �ould ba�r� unsignali�ed right-in at�d righi-out access to �nc� f�oa�� <br />°I�i 10, a1t�QUgh th� dcv�l� is plannin� to pursuc discussions wi�°i AiIn1I)O�I` to a,����r <br />4°ull �u�ss to and fror� T�i i Q. 1°1n� IvfinrY�sofi� l�eparqnient of Tratisportation (��n/���'� <br />h� �equiggd t�e deveinpe� �o provid� a rig�t �uum l�ne for ve�aici�s er�icrir�g 4he pYOp�y <br />€�d �ill pcob�bfy xeqtai�e � accelcratiora lanc for �•ehicles e�it�g �hc property. This will <br />mi�lirt�a�� intetfe�ence with oa� thto►agh traffic T�i 10 b� e�hicTes turning at �h� ��� <br />drivcway. The ri�ht t�� la�c wouia n��d t� b� dcsigned wixh adcqr�ate length to pr���� <br />rninirt�urrt dcce�era�tior� dis-tanc� and to accornmodate queues 4ha# �rzay dev�lop as vehicl�� <br />��te� the site. Tt dvitl also b� import�t thai the siie � d�sa�cd to q�aickly rnavc v�hicics <br />intv Yhe �ite, T�is e�n be �c�affiplish€d by pc�viding an �.r� for vehicles to mov� out a£ <br />th� Yraffic flow while droppirig o� artd picking up passengers. <br />���� � � <br />�_ <br />The 0'I�ieil propcity is currerttily zor�ed fox a mix af reside�t�al and rei.�il uses, but �� <br />c�tnpr�hensive plari indicates single•family reside�t�al developffi�at o� the propergy, `�h� <br />city of Mour�ds View identifieci fivc al£�rnativc ��d us� scenarios for the si�c based ta� <br />thcse plans and other potential uscs. Since each Iand use type generates trips a4 dif�er�a�� <br />ratcs, cach sc�naaio would ger�erate a�ifFercnt numb�r of total trips. Table I provides � <br />siunmary of tbe la�d use aSSUmPti�ns, crip gcneratio� cstimaie� a�d prababl� ������ <br />ass�ciatcd writh each of thc scc�narios. <br />I3ased ora the �sumptions sl�own, the cuir�nt zonin� plan wot�Id result in th� hi���� <br />numb�r oi daily and �eak hour trips �eneraied by the site. Zhc single-famiIy xesid�ti� <br />and to�n�ocn� deveYopmcnt `vould tesult itZ th� least number of tsips af any of th� <br />sr.eraarios. The number of trips gencrated by thc other scenarios, includiQg th� praposed <br />d�vclopment fa1l in ihe middle. <br />Iraformation �vas r�q�acsted ott the schcdtdiz�g of movic� atZd i�s �elatiarLSbsp to i�a�� <br />f1ow. iypically. theat�rs sc�sdule �ve s��ws ��r day on eac% screen bctvveen noon and <br />I0:30 p.rrz. The 7:00 p.rrL Lo �:Ofl p.m. sIxow�ngs a�td tb� 9,00 p.m. to 10:38 p.r�. <br />showira�s us�lly havc th� higllest �tiendance. Availabie itafvnn�tidn an mo�rie thc�Y�� <br />�r�p �en�ra�ion az�d parkin� ch�cieristics indic,at� that �aiYhota.�h the total d�ty <br />�tterad�nce ss �r�at�s� �n a S��urday or Sunday, gh� p�a�c hourly t�ip genera�ion Bs sir�ilar <br />on eilher a F�iday n�ight, S�ta�day or Su�tday, <br />I, UJ <br />. � : <br />